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To begin, first learn to use this type of breathing:

- Head out of water = Inspiring (by mouth)

- Head in the water = Exhale.
As a beginner, make a habit of blowing into the water primarily with the nose.
For larger efforts, exhale with the nose and mouth simultaneously.
Recall that the average human being breathes 15 to 20 times per minute. At this pace will be breathing in that year.
Exercise: clinging to an edge, get squat shoulders in water, inspiration with mouth, head down into the water vertically. Breathe quietly with his nose when it enters the water. Finally, return to the starting position to start over.
If after 15 series on, you experience no sensation of fatigue, it means that you thoroughly understand this basic technique.
Take time to breathe calmly out of the water and breathe just as calmly in the water. Keep straight face when you put your head in the water. Keep your eyes open (if you have glasses) throughout the year. Feel and to repeat this exercise, we must automate this type of breathing as soon as possible.
A beginner with no experience is usually awkward at first contact with water. Indeed, early learning, the body needs some time to get used to adapt to new benchmarks (Archimedes force, supine, vertical gaze ...) and become familiar with this new environment. To facilitate this learning, the use of goggles is often very useful . They are not essential but will help to beginners keep your eyes open, to find their bearings more easily and take more pleasure in doing the exercises.

If a human body is filled with air, it floats . If there is vacuum, it started leaking . Keep that in mind.
- For best results, go swimming at least once a week.
- Before learning to do movements, learn to float. And before learning to fly, learn to breathe.

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