One day a Jew came to London to visit Baba Meir זצוק"ל and asked his help to find his son who had disappeared for several weeks,
Despite all the research done by the police, he was nowhere, and his latest appeal was Meir זצוק"ל Baba, Baba Meir
soon זצוק"ל , Took a pen and paper and sketched a plan that has showed its host.
It recognized the place. But Baba Meir pointed to a building at the corner of a street and said the astonished father, that it is in the building, which belonged to a church that was his son.
Immediately the father under the influence of revelation contacted his family in London who did the necessary research, and found his son was exactly the place designated by Baba Meir.
(Remarkably Baba Meir זצוק"ל had never visited London.)
Through this special episode, we are allowed to enjoy quality which are distinguished by the rabbis of the Family.
And especially the purity of vision that allowed them to access a supernatural perception.
Just like his ancestors, he also was gifted in all areas, especially in singing. He composed the Piyout "Yahid Ram" A few months before the revival of the state of Israel in 5708,
died on 17 Nissan 5743, and relies on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.
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