Rabbi Avraham Abihssira זיע"א a descendant of our Master Maran Abir Yaacov זיע"א
we reported the story he had heard from a reliable source.
Once our Master traveled as he had used to collect donations for the poor of his city. The robbers got wind of it and it ambushed on the way, those who went with him and the Arabs who accompanied him to protect him, have informed us that robbers approached Master of them and that in a short time, they will find themselves in great danger. What to do?
Our Master said: - "Do not the slightest fear."
And now, when the robbers arrived, Rabbi Yaacov raised his hand against them and said:
- "Will you join us? Or are you part of our enemies?" And they
froze in their place as stones and could not move, only their mouths and speak their body looked like a stone. When the robbers found themselves in this state they immediately asked our Lord to forgive them all and wept
זיע"א Our Lord rebuked them. They took it upon themselves to do more to back off and abandon the flight. Immediately they were restored and raccompagnèrent our Master to his house, and our Master reaches its destination without damage.
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