Ahhhhh ... 3rd Monday of January ... Y seems that on this day especially, you feel like an old wet dog and lonely, it's scientifically proven, and they spoke in the newspaper TV M6. It even has a name that third Monday of January: the "Blue Monday" .
Maybe it packaging, but I actually felt the effects of the equation Dr Cliff Arnall to whom we owe the theory of Blue Monday and trivialize the people has to justify a bad mood that tends to repeat itself.
Nothing better than an evening watching a movie cocoon. Just Arte broadcast "Terms of Endearment" with Shirley MacLaine and Jack Nicholson. A great time cinema ...
End Film

There was Cyril for mission-attack against a class of schoolboys commuters in full busiest time in physical and hormonal changes ... A period not necessarily well lived harmoniously for many.
The challenge of the mission of Cyril Lignac? Mater and do work (gratos) this class who are insolent p'tits shit everybody with puberty (that is, the word is pronounced).
The purpose of the mission of Cyril Lignac? Serve a meal to 25 people (students and teachers handpicked) and above but above all, feed three mouths of ministers (and finally two minstres MP): X. Darcos - Minister of Education, R. Bachelot - Minister of Health and Sports, and Mr Barnier-MEP.
course college students are trained during 15 hours of cooking (check) with Cyril for the "big night" is perfect. And these kids, they must show that the republic has values and principles to be applied daily to be a good student to have a career and being a good citizen who eats balanced. Hmmm, that does not look like propaganda?
In this class, has
short, most important thing is training. The place: the college. The class is divided into three groups that will ensure the task of realizing some of the meals served to Court of the Sun King. Cyril goes into the skin of Vatel to try to ministers with a dinner ... almost perfect. The
method Learning is practical and straightforward. The regiment acne follows the orders of the head (respect for hierarchy), is distributed tasks (teamwork) and puts the hands on without wasting time (management-management-efficiency-yield). The teens participate in a trial run before the evening's feast government. Guinea pigs are students, teachers and college dirlo. "Vazy too much pressure and teuhon, and then who cares vazy.
Nay! Cyril Lignac is there to dot the i The first attempt, it failed to perfect and remove disruptive elements. Because in real life, he must be strong, a perfectionist, humble, effective, obey orders, meet deadlines, get yelled at like a dog without flinching to be productive and satisfying the customer, if the boss is not happy and you're fired. All this gaff by their health. Because the work is health!
A good meal always ends with a good dessert made with love and passion. Yes, because he does not forget the pretty end speech sprinkled with good feelings, which aims to reward the hard work of workers and small wax-pumps by the way-high officials of the state is so generous.
The show ends with a sweet touch to get the bitter taste of stale dish with herbs Gaullists.
It is high time to shut TV ...
CC Cancan 2010
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