It that opens tomorrow in Paris the long awaited Agricultural Show. We can admire some fine specimens sheep, cattle, pigs and horses, the beautiful shiny poultry pen and all the farm animals that had plastic miniature when we were little. It may also be
explore different careers in agriculture and perhaps discover a vocation of farmer, joining a training or be recruited by a headhunter.
explore different careers in agriculture and perhaps discover a vocation of farmer, joining a training or be recruited by a headhunter.
Le Salon de L'Agriculture will also be an opportunity to grow and discover the magical world of plants, their benefits (Thanks to them that we breathe) and their importance (5 fruits and vegetables per day, in case you forgot, this is vital). But we can
especially taste (and buy) the fruit of hard work of our artisans of the earth, and that, really worth the trip! It is no coincidence that French cuisine is considered to be the best in the world ... The agricultural knowledge, wealth and diversity of French soil and gustatory hedonism will provide satisfaction to all, even the toughest mouths.
especially taste (and buy) the fruit of hard work of our artisans of the earth, and that, really worth the trip! It is no coincidence that French cuisine is considered to be the best in the world ... The agricultural knowledge, wealth and diversity of French soil and gustatory hedonism will provide satisfaction to all, even the toughest mouths.

Indeed, Nicolas Sarkozy will be on site and in person "Yes, Madam, to preside over the closing ceremony of" La Ferme des bumpkins. "
To continue to be more discreet (its presence seems not to rouse the masses in the right direction), while remaining available to the people who suffer from many societal ills and financial?
To avoid placing both feet flat early and be lynched by the angry mob, believed to have spent one more time with the promises of the One?
To wait for the penniless peasant s ilo well exhausted his living room and he its financial difficulties have drowned in the tasting of regional products of his colleagues, and therefore that the President-the-better-pay-for-all-the-Fifth-Republic ensure a safe speech full of sincerity and compassion to the worker of the soil dry?
"But what this story?" , you are probably thinking and you're right, it's exactly the same question I asked myself when I heard the news this morning on France Info .
It happened in southern France, near Roquebrune-sur-Argens. Women in the chest greedy gathered in a charming farmhouse in Var to conduct a community treats. The milk will be used later to make cheese which the Japanese are very fond, as Nomi said , the farmer in chief, head of the dairy project, supported by another talented woman, Metcuc .
However, one question nagging me: What wine can be served with this cheese? If someone could be kind enough to suggest names of suitable vineyards, I would greatly appreciate and my dinner tomorrow night will be a guaranteed success.
And a good appetite, of course!
CC French Cancan 2010
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