Saturday, January 8, 2011

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# 24. Single, The Statute Of Shame

What is "single " exactly? Come ask
Webster what he thinks of that word ...

single is a noun or an adjective that means a person who lives in celibacy. As an example, cites Bebert " habits singles" (Queneau) for use as an adjective, or closer to the definition of single names "daughter" and "boy". He quotes again a great French writer (or GAF), Anatole France: "refined selfishness of an old bachelor" . And do not forget to mention expressions commonly is employed as a confirmed bachelor , single in cohabitation or affixing single mother or the familiar use of single word: "I travel in single", ie without spouse.

Okay, okay, so what's the celibacy if a single person living in celibacy?
Hop, it rejects a look in the box that has Bebert shit to write and that is often neglected in favor of the bible web of knowledge, Wikipedia (which is not accredited by the French Academy, I want to say, So it matters not when we play Scrabble).

Celibacy is a masculine noun, so far so good. PR has two definitions:
1. State of a person of marriageable age and who is not, never has been. Rob
'we then refer to the definition of single and gives us examples of the use of this word: Living in the unmarried t ecclesiastical celibacy which is the consequence of the vow of chastity. He does not forget to quote GAF as Rousseau: "Man is not made for celibacy." Basically, not for not fulfilling his desires Sex.
2. Chastity period of chastity in marriage (not even the first Saturday of the month, editor's note). Quote from great French author: "The Druid prophetess was forced to do long singleness." (Michelet), and therefore its opposite: marriage.

Nowadays, it has diverted the real definition of single and is associated with a person who does not live with a partner, or who simply does not have a boyfriend / girlfriend with whom there is a possibility of exchange of bodily fluids.

Moreover, on a site that discusses the French language, Monkey003 very surprised to know that single does not necessarily mean a shortage of love and sex:


I am surprised to find in the dictionary definition for the single "person who has never been married." However, people living being a couple but not married are they considered to be unmarried? We used single to say that someone is alone. If now I have a girlfriend and I was 14, I am no longer "single". How are we to understand this word? Couples living without being married are they single? Thank you for helping me.

Uh, how do you say Monkey003, are you afraid of that ugly word? Is the greatest of evils, your privacy would state of a person of marriageable age and who is not, never has been ? Do not worry, it's not a bad thing because many people who have the status "Married (e)" regret that the "single " they will never have because after they have a choice between " divorced (e) " or " widowed " which are not necessarily dream of association with either.

In France, when you meet people, we kiss and slap it appears giving the information needed to identify: Marital status and employment status. Marital status includes marital status and so sexual.
When we say "I'm single " People look at you with a desolate air, as if being single was something sad (solitude) and shame (onanism required). Then after a brief discussion, we will always hear the question that kills: "So how is it that you're single ?????"

one is a really dumb question to which I see only one possible answer: "And you, how is it that you're not single. "I mean, what they insinuate with this sudden intrusion into your privacy?
And they do not realize that this question of social chat is full of innuendo :
- innuendo supposedly flattering. You have it all, a job, friends, a pleasant physical, it is difficult to understand why you're alone (e).
- the implied suspicious. There's something wrong then he / she must be gay, otherwise it is not possible (because we all know, all homosexuals are alone and all singles are not ugly homo ).
- sexist innuendo. When we single women, it seems impossible for these curious people (men or women) to design a woman can live alone without help from someone else, a man and a priori.
- innuendo moved. Basically, how do you not to kiss? And people there without really knowing it, take the word "unmarried" under ecclesiastical vow of chastity ...

The single is often perceived as a strange being on the edge of marginality.
In our society, the goal that every being has to have in life is to settle down and make kids, especially when you're a woman, men are more able to cope with the status of teuhon. If a woman does not follow the normal path of evolution and does not necessarily this primary purpose in life, people say they are dealing with a big selfish and individualistic feminist spinster who eventually embittered, surrounded by cats.

Shame serious being single.

normality in our society is to live as a couple. Happiness is secondary.
is what you see when you type the word "unmarried" on google, it falls exclusively on dating sites that promise the lonely find love on catalog and customized according to scientific studies using mathematical tools for compatibility, with a financial course.
It also falls on travel agents labeled "for unmarried", these people who are tired of being surrounded by couples who want to have fun and hang out with people with the same social syndrome.

TV program are also invaded by the single market in search of life partner and its integration into the society of consumption. All "Loft Story", "Operation Seduction", "Who wants to marry my son" and other "Love is in the meadow "exploiting people's fascination for these people who live alone.

Last night I notched a show I'd never seen before:" Love in the menu on Direct 8. C ' is a mix of "Roundabout Turn (search for Love) and" Dinner almost perfect "(good food), the level is too low, it is a treat.

J ' I was astounded by the single candidate, Delphine, who is one of those women who have it all (after all is relative, let's be clear) and is still single. In her portrait, she meets the famous killer question. Listen carefully to his response:

This charming air hostess who has a brain (but still slightly altered by fading abuse) had a choice between several guys. She wants a beautiful ring that shines and children. She wants to be happy, period.

His suitors:
Julien 34, a truck driver. Super nice, attentive, she had a good laugh with him, she feels well, he must full of great things in his life, he offers her a rose at the dinner and she is not indifferent ... but it is good road, and it does not meet his physical criteria.
Karl 35, steward. The nice kid. And it stops there, he was not looking well was, but it's not what we asked. Delphine is in love with its ultra brite smile, but is well aware that this man, he flits serious.
Anthony 36 years, computer. It has the same profile of the computer (glasses, not shed, not very beautiful, and completely geek used to being single). There is direct Squizz.
David, 27, animator for children. The guy fun, beautiful and sparkling. But a little gay anyway.
Jean-Paul 36 years, accounting framework. Her passion is aviation, for a flight attendant is pretty good fall, but what a hostess wants to spend his free time in an airplane? And then there is bo po.

Initially, Delphine Julien should choose .... Well no, she chose Carl. Because it's better to be deceived a woman on the arm of Brad Pitt blossomed in a single arm (or not) Ride Marcel.

CC Cancan 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

Can Allergies Cause Dry Heaves?

# 23. Make Channel, It's a Profession

When you live in a big city, namely Paris, people tend to see the same people the same hours in the same neighborhoods and on the same subway lines.
These are anonymous who are part of our everyday landscape.

The people we come across most often are those that one is forced out by their marks: there is the framework that will spring pressed his place in the subway for anything, Secretary peroxidized ago that forced the vanilla scent signed Yves Rocher, there is the crazy grandma who Pépette walks in a stroller, there is Gege cloth which has always worn the same mac and there's the homeless that makes the round in Street or in the Metro trains.

The homeless are unfortunately the most ignored because their condition frightened terribly good worker who has a roof, a family and a bank account more or less completed. Subconsciously, the sight of homeless acts like the sword of Damocles: anyone can find themselves in this precarious situation, after all, is the reality of our society.

Some homeless are forced to wander all day or all night. There are those who try to forget, others and themselves, and there are those who seek to help. It is the latter that I want to talk, and especially those who abuse the generosity and empathy for people who do not know that much.

Of all the people in need that I could pass him, some have apparently he made the round of trades. It is clear that these "professional beggars" do not care about the mouth of the people to extort a few dollars and I want to denounce these practices are to touch the heart of the way for him to open his wallet.

In the metro

Ah! The Paris Metro! Top place of joy and well-being is now the most profitable for the beggar careerist. You must have a voice that carries and catching a good speech, timed his lap time in the car knowing that the next station is 1mn20s and must pass through the ranks during this period. It is not given to everyone and competition is fierce; from one station to another, the beggar may be pipped at the post by a more talented and persuasive.

There are different profiles for HP plotters, for example:

- musician. Not sponsored by RATP repressed because the cast, he tries to coax her dear public has asked nothing in his creaking Fiddler on a vague air of Edith Piaf. A few months later unsuccessful, it is found in any other situation that evoked during his first lyrical essay. He dropped the violin and is now a young widower grieving (see below).

- The religious. It invokes God and the Christian conscience of the traveler, reminding him that it is his duty to give less well off. This speech seems to work well because I found that people gave much more readily to a man of faith who will certainly take care of his liver when the workday ended rail.

- The vi ctime assault. Regardless of the number of months and subway trains visited since her attack that happened yesterday, it always fail to pay 13 euros for a ticket back to his native countryside.

- The widower / widow with dependent children. Much more often are women than men elsewhere. Newly bereaved, his speech is his story. Her husband just passed away and left penniless with five mouths to feed. The next day, the recrosses and a child has suddenly left the family. Or all children respond to the call, but the little 5 year old suddenly younger than 3 years. And the mother seems menopausal ages ago. But as the religious, the widow moves and wins the jackpot.

the street

The deception in the street is far more restrictive than in the subway. Indeed, the subway is a sheltered area requiring mobility foolproof. Moreover, it is much easier to impose an impostor speech to passengers trapped in a train than on the street who is constantly moving and requires the beggar to remain in a static and silent, whatever the weather . Here, everything is played on appearance and must rush the passer noticed the unhappy fate broken for him to help.

However, although the street is not the best place to try to bribe the pedestrian, I still unmasked needy liars who use subterfuge to extort public funds:

- Technique the small pet: people who have a heart like a logical animals. And it is by exploiting some animals fill pockets. One woman recently established residence in a corner of busy street near the Gare Saint Lazare. It is installed on his suitcase and wrapped in three layers of woollens to keep warm. She holds in her arms her little companion, a black cat that looks as miserable as she. It has no sign but it seems really in need. One imagines it was expelled with her and she has everything she has: this small suitcase and her cat. A small cup is placed on the floor and some pieces have been submitted by generous passers-by.
The next day, I meet again this poor woman and her cat. But something seems different from the previous day. I do not know but it bothers me. I go my way when I realize the black cat was passed to the bleach. He turned white as snow! Well gosh! And since then, she continues her discreet little exchange of cats. Sometimes I see the black cat and the white cat and so on. Odd for a person on the street.
Note that this technique is also used subliminal barter with children ...

- The technique of old age: see someone in need and homeless is always difficult to swallow, especially when that person is. Also in this same neighborhood teeming with people I had earlier noticed an old lady on her own and not really Air overwhelmed by poverty, to beg standing against a wall and holding in his hand a placard on which she had marked: "I have 77 years and I'm in the streets. Help me."
Then the next day, same-old woman, in different clothes from the previous day, same place, with a sign different from the previous day. This time it was written: "I have 84 years and I'm in the streets. Help me." Go on the granny, it lacks more than a cat and a dog drugged and installed in a mini bed and retirement is assured! Not only has she thought people never passed on the same street but more often it was not at his post. Was only between 10h and 13h we could see ... Maybe a former employee of La Poste, who knows?

When we no longer see these people who had been accustomed to cross, our landscape is disturbed, our habits are turned upside down and our heart is hoped that these people, were they truly in need, have finally found the way out ...

But how to differentiate honest people in their misery impostors who profit from the goodness of people to supplement their monthly difficult? And how do you know if the penny given will be spent as we had imagined (to pay for the hotel room, provide a meal for their child, or feed Pépette Pompon, buy their return ticket to their family ...)?

I do not know whether begging can solve the problems of poverty. By cons, if the money was instead offered the beggar gave associations committed to helping financially, morally and socially needy people, there might be a little less of those impostors in the streets and in subways. On yer good heart!

I wish everyone a happy new year 2011 and that you will never know the misery.
CC Cancan 2011