Saturday, January 8, 2011

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# 24. Single, The Statute Of Shame

What is "single " exactly? Come ask
Webster what he thinks of that word ...

single is a noun or an adjective that means a person who lives in celibacy. As an example, cites Bebert " habits singles" (Queneau) for use as an adjective, or closer to the definition of single names "daughter" and "boy". He quotes again a great French writer (or GAF), Anatole France: "refined selfishness of an old bachelor" . And do not forget to mention expressions commonly is employed as a confirmed bachelor , single in cohabitation or affixing single mother or the familiar use of single word: "I travel in single", ie without spouse.

Okay, okay, so what's the celibacy if a single person living in celibacy?
Hop, it rejects a look in the box that has Bebert shit to write and that is often neglected in favor of the bible web of knowledge, Wikipedia (which is not accredited by the French Academy, I want to say, So it matters not when we play Scrabble).

Celibacy is a masculine noun, so far so good. PR has two definitions:
1. State of a person of marriageable age and who is not, never has been. Rob
'we then refer to the definition of single and gives us examples of the use of this word: Living in the unmarried t ecclesiastical celibacy which is the consequence of the vow of chastity. He does not forget to quote GAF as Rousseau: "Man is not made for celibacy." Basically, not for not fulfilling his desires Sex.
2. Chastity period of chastity in marriage (not even the first Saturday of the month, editor's note). Quote from great French author: "The Druid prophetess was forced to do long singleness." (Michelet), and therefore its opposite: marriage.

Nowadays, it has diverted the real definition of single and is associated with a person who does not live with a partner, or who simply does not have a boyfriend / girlfriend with whom there is a possibility of exchange of bodily fluids.

Moreover, on a site that discusses the French language, Monkey003 very surprised to know that single does not necessarily mean a shortage of love and sex:


I am surprised to find in the dictionary definition for the single "person who has never been married." However, people living being a couple but not married are they considered to be unmarried? We used single to say that someone is alone. If now I have a girlfriend and I was 14, I am no longer "single". How are we to understand this word? Couples living without being married are they single? Thank you for helping me.

Uh, how do you say Monkey003, are you afraid of that ugly word? Is the greatest of evils, your privacy would state of a person of marriageable age and who is not, never has been ? Do not worry, it's not a bad thing because many people who have the status "Married (e)" regret that the "single " they will never have because after they have a choice between " divorced (e) " or " widowed " which are not necessarily dream of association with either.

In France, when you meet people, we kiss and slap it appears giving the information needed to identify: Marital status and employment status. Marital status includes marital status and so sexual.
When we say "I'm single " People look at you with a desolate air, as if being single was something sad (solitude) and shame (onanism required). Then after a brief discussion, we will always hear the question that kills: "So how is it that you're single ?????"

one is a really dumb question to which I see only one possible answer: "And you, how is it that you're not single. "I mean, what they insinuate with this sudden intrusion into your privacy?
And they do not realize that this question of social chat is full of innuendo :
- innuendo supposedly flattering. You have it all, a job, friends, a pleasant physical, it is difficult to understand why you're alone (e).
- the implied suspicious. There's something wrong then he / she must be gay, otherwise it is not possible (because we all know, all homosexuals are alone and all singles are not ugly homo ).
- sexist innuendo. When we single women, it seems impossible for these curious people (men or women) to design a woman can live alone without help from someone else, a man and a priori.
- innuendo moved. Basically, how do you not to kiss? And people there without really knowing it, take the word "unmarried" under ecclesiastical vow of chastity ...

The single is often perceived as a strange being on the edge of marginality.
In our society, the goal that every being has to have in life is to settle down and make kids, especially when you're a woman, men are more able to cope with the status of teuhon. If a woman does not follow the normal path of evolution and does not necessarily this primary purpose in life, people say they are dealing with a big selfish and individualistic feminist spinster who eventually embittered, surrounded by cats.

Shame serious being single.

normality in our society is to live as a couple. Happiness is secondary.
is what you see when you type the word "unmarried" on google, it falls exclusively on dating sites that promise the lonely find love on catalog and customized according to scientific studies using mathematical tools for compatibility, with a financial course.
It also falls on travel agents labeled "for unmarried", these people who are tired of being surrounded by couples who want to have fun and hang out with people with the same social syndrome.

TV program are also invaded by the single market in search of life partner and its integration into the society of consumption. All "Loft Story", "Operation Seduction", "Who wants to marry my son" and other "Love is in the meadow "exploiting people's fascination for these people who live alone.

Last night I notched a show I'd never seen before:" Love in the menu on Direct 8. C ' is a mix of "Roundabout Turn (search for Love) and" Dinner almost perfect "(good food), the level is too low, it is a treat.

J ' I was astounded by the single candidate, Delphine, who is one of those women who have it all (after all is relative, let's be clear) and is still single. In her portrait, she meets the famous killer question. Listen carefully to his response:

This charming air hostess who has a brain (but still slightly altered by fading abuse) had a choice between several guys. She wants a beautiful ring that shines and children. She wants to be happy, period.

His suitors:
Julien 34, a truck driver. Super nice, attentive, she had a good laugh with him, she feels well, he must full of great things in his life, he offers her a rose at the dinner and she is not indifferent ... but it is good road, and it does not meet his physical criteria.
Karl 35, steward. The nice kid. And it stops there, he was not looking well was, but it's not what we asked. Delphine is in love with its ultra brite smile, but is well aware that this man, he flits serious.
Anthony 36 years, computer. It has the same profile of the computer (glasses, not shed, not very beautiful, and completely geek used to being single). There is direct Squizz.
David, 27, animator for children. The guy fun, beautiful and sparkling. But a little gay anyway.
Jean-Paul 36 years, accounting framework. Her passion is aviation, for a flight attendant is pretty good fall, but what a hostess wants to spend his free time in an airplane? And then there is bo po.

Initially, Delphine Julien should choose .... Well no, she chose Carl. Because it's better to be deceived a woman on the arm of Brad Pitt blossomed in a single arm (or not) Ride Marcel.

CC Cancan 2011


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