Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Radiculopathy And Social Security Disibility

As bench


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P.max. = 108.6 KW v. = 183.5 km / h n. = 2860l/min
P.tol. = - 1.3% = 88.8 KW P.roue p.pers. = 16.9 KW
temp. C = 20 Press. Hpa = 985 K = 1028 (Din)
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Thursday, August 16, 2007

How Fast Does It Take To Get Std Tests Back

Crisis Cambodge Soir on the website of the Union of Francophone Press

Below you will find a link to the file Union of Francophone Press (UPF) devoted to the crisis experienced by Cambodge Soir. This page contains the news published since the conflict started by the UPF. The last article, dated August 16, 2007, mentions in particular the visit to Phnom Penh by the President of the UPF, Hervé Bourges, as a mediator of the International Organization of la Francophonie, the 16 to 19 August.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Touching My Moms Breasts

Cambodge Soir resume ... but not for everyone

The Blog of Collective CS has not been fed for a long time and we sincerely apologize for this long silence. Recent weeks have been particularly troubled and the group now no longer collects the entirety of Cambodge Soir journalists.
Some of us have agreed to resume work with the current direction. Others (all six French journalists, whose editor, and two Cambodian journalists, half of the editorial team) feel unacceptable conditions of this recovery, framed by an internal regulation that has provisions requiring the control of editorial content by administrators.
Two months to the day after the last door, illegal, a journalist Cambodge Soir because he had written an article for the unpleasant direction the new publication director Rithy Chup Kong announced the resumption of work , saying the demands of writing had been met. It is important to note that half of the former version did not see his demands met, and disagrees with the conditions of the takeover, which will be without her.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Best Stainless Steel Popcorn Popper

Explanations, dialogue and new ideas: a useful meeting for the future

(Jonh Vink / Magnum)
Meeting / Gasolina debate, with the former version of Cambodge Soir (Jonh Vink / Magnum)

Thanks to the many people who came to meet with editors and translators who have resigned from Cambodia Dinner, Friday 13 July, Gasolina, Phnom Penh. Your questions, comments, suggestions and new ideas gave new impetus to our movement and new hope to the entire team. Feel free to extend the discussions Friday in contacting us directly or email.
Thanks also to all those who, far from Cambodia, could not physically join us this evening but have expressed their support and suggestions via the web.
Thanks also to the team's Gasolina has agreed to host this meeting and put at our disposal the audio equipment.
Thanks to you, we remain united and can expect to see a publication revive Khmer and French independent. Whether it
July 14th is a day of hope!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Basketball Knee Brace Philippines

Rendezvous Friday Gasolina

journalists and translators of Cambodge Soir invite you to meet them at Gasolina, 56-58 Street 57, Friday, July 13 from 18 hours. Thank you to know about you. Come!

Gradiation Centerpieces

Resignation collective Cambodge Soir, July 14 sad for the Francophonie ...

Phnom Penh, July 12, 2007

The 17 journalists and translators, Cambodia and French Cambodge Soir collectively resigned Wednesday, July 11, under duress, to put an end to their conflict with the leadership last month and for which management has so far offered no way out. Barely two meetings of two hours a month, this is not what is called a willingness to negotiate! Journalists and translators, who only ask for guarantees of editorial independence from the unjustified exclusion of a journalist writing, exasperated by the contempt with which they are subject last month, are determined to remain united. Management has managed to disgust its employees but failed to break the exemplary solidarity of the team's strength and identity Cambodge Soir.

Why we quit?

- Forced for material reasons. As of July 11, employees had still not received their salary for the month of June, including the days worked. Management has placed in violation of the law and employees is short of revenue, we had no choice but to resign, driven to desperation by management. By learning our resignation, announced by the management SMS to some members of the drafting the payment of salaries on July 13, without proposing for discussion.

- Management voluntarily prolong the conflict. Since the beginning of the movement, she refuses to answer our questions. We had two appointments in one month with management (June 12 and July 2), barely two hours each. We sent July 3 a working paper proposing to management reorganization of the newspaper, we believe only way to guarantee the editorial independence of the editor. Management has assured floor on the document but has not proposed anything concrete since, not even a meeting to discuss it. We had an ultimatum for talks July 9 by stating in a letter dated July 6, it would be unfortunate to take the board of arbitration in case of refusal on their part. Management has not seen fit to respond to this request, or to reschedule appointments, or provide contradictory document. Nothing. Nothing but evasive mail sent by the director Philippe Monnin Sunday, July 8 to 23 h 30 to put the negotiations later. Who are we kidding? By using constantly stalling tactics to delay the timing of discussions, management has left us no choice but to resign to enter the arbitration board.

- Management is in bad faith. She announced July 2 that it had 4800 dollars in his account and she can not afford to pay wages. During the same meeting, she gave one of its priorities a refit of Cambodge Soir. The editors and translators have taken as a mark of contempt that there is no money to pay them and that however the management has no difficulty in seeing the work.

- The management is lying to us. June 12, Philippe Monnin announcement to his assistant Emma Billier-Gauthier and 15 journalists and translators setting "liquidation" of the newspaper for bankruptcy. July 2, before it provides the delegation editors and translators that he never spoke of "liquidation". His assistant nods. Chup Kong Rithy, one of five directors of the newspaper, known as "suspension" for economic reasons.

- We require a minimum of consideration. It is clear that administrators have made efforts to ensure financial survival of the newspaper, they tend to forget our own sacrifices. For many years most employees of the newspaper continued to work despite recurring back wages, some for up to six months. What employee would agree to work under such conditions if it was attached his business? We have no employment contract, no insurance, no support for working visas for the French, almost never revalued wages and too low for Cambodians under their jurisdiction, no rules, no staff representative ... Many deficiencies that constitute some of the labor code violations.

- Management does not play fair play, maintaining the highest fuzzy about the future of the company. Why did she let the situation get bogged down for over a month? To finish with Cambodge Soir? To set up a new project? To divide the writing? To cause further resignations in the wake of that of the former editor, Peter Gillette? We have asked all these questions. No response was given. We can no longer tolerate this silence, this contempt, this unstable, precarious, degrading and morally exhausting.

is why we resign ourselves with deep sadness, to leave all together this newspaper that we are so attached.

journalists and translators of Cambodge Soir.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Does Hiv Rash Look Like

Corporation established writers and translators from Cambodia Cambodge Soir Soir

The editors and translators gathered during the vote for the creation of a society of editors and translators,
Sunday 1st July.
(Photo: John Vink / Magnum)

journalists and translators of Cambodge Soir gathered this Sunday morning, July 1, 2007, meeting, voted to create a society of writers and translators association to preserve editorial independence and to influence policy decisions of the publication.
We will provide more details on the role, status and operation of the association shortly.
Continue to support the movement launched by the writing and translation of Cambodge Soir by writing to us collectifcs@gmail.com and circulating as possible to support our call!
All aids to assist in the establishment of the League of editors and translators of Cambodge Soir are also welcome!
Thanks again to all those who help us through this crisis.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sample Monthly Counseling Statements

for relief! Call for support

For almost three weeks, the daily France-Soir Khmer Cambodia is no longer on the newsstands or distributed to its subscribers. A social movement was launched Monday, June 11 to ask management a explanation for the unjustified exclusion of a journalist, who was subsequently charged with publishing an article "sensitive". The day after the onset of this movement, the paper's editor, saying that no discussion was possible, announced to the whole writing of the closure of the company that publishes editions of the Mekong Cambodge Soir. The reason given? The "bankrupt" economy.
Since then, administrators have neither confirmed nor denied officially the news.
Writing is still awaiting clarification on the situation of the newspaper. Despite our various meetings with partners in the newspaper, administrators maintain silence on the future of Cambodge Soir. No discussion with the writing took place.
This crisis has highlighted the danger to the editorial independence of Cambodge Soir that we want to defend. As for threats of extinction of the title, they have not prevented us to reflect on concrete proposals to ensure its sustainability.
Cambodge Soir is nothing without its readers and it is through your support that will ensure its rebirth.
journalists and translators of Cambodge Soir

collectifcs@gmail.com Send your messages and join over 200 people and institutions that we already support including:
- Khieu Kanharith, Information Minister
- Julio Jeldres, ambassador, biographer of King Father Norodom Sihanouk
- Rithy Panh, director
- Songchai Chaipatiyut, first secretary of the Thai embassy
- Raoul Marc Jennar, doctor and researcher Khmer Studies URFIG
- Marcel Lemonde, co-investigating judge at the Extraordinary Chambers
- Philip Short, a journalist and author of "Pol Pot: Anatomy of a Nightmare"
- Bernard Krisher, Publishing Director
Cambodia Daily - International Federation of Journalists
- Reporters Without Borders
- Syfia and InfoSud,
international press agencies - International Union of Francophone Press
- Press Alliance of Southeast Asia
- Emmanuelle Bastide, journalist at RFI
- Laure Vulpian, journalist at France Culture
- Elizabeth V., journalist and
writer - Department of Linguistics and French Studies from the Royal University of Phnom Penh
- Soizick Hook, anthropologist
- Chuth Khay, former Dean of the Faculty of Law, Phnom Penh
- Randal Douc, writer, mathematician
- Khmer Youth Association
- Fraternity Association West
- Ayrine Uk, Centre for Khmer Studies

also more than 75 journalists based in Bangkok, France and elsewhere have signed a letter of support to the drafting of Cambodge Soir addressed to Mr. Abdou Diouf, Secretary General of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie. The text of this letter is posted on the blog collectifcs.blogspot.com. To add your signature to this letter, please send us an email to collectifcs@gmail.com. Thank you!

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letter of support addressed to Abdou Diouf

Letter of support for French-language daily Cambodge Soir to the attention of Mr. Abdou Diouf, Secretary General of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie June 15, 2007 addressed by journalists based in Asia, France and elsewhere . The letter continues to circulate. Feel free to add your signature by sending an email to collectifcs@gmail.com and stating your full name, profession, company / organization and email address. A very big thank you to the initiators of this support and to all signatories.


The Board Mekong Publishing, publisher French-language daily Cambodge Soir , decided June 12, 2007, to close the newspaper on the grounds of official

"bankruptcy", even if the real reason is, according to writing in Phnom Penh, more related to the publication on a st June, an article reporting on a report by the NGO Global Witness for the prosecution against the government forest policy. The author of this article was sacked without the labor law applies, creating an unacceptable precedent. His colleagues decided to strike his reinstatement. Faced with the refusal of management to raise this question, the wording has agreed to relax its position by asking for "clarifications" about the motivations that led to this decision, clarification that the management was unwilling to provide. Although the report by Global Witness namely put into question some members of government, including Prime Minister himself, the authorities would have taken no Cambodge Soir. The decision to return the author of the article, then close the newspaper, has been made unilaterally by management, without it be subjected to any pressure.

We journalists stationed in Cambodia, Asia or elsewhere around the world condemn this decision and deplore the closure of a newspaper that, during its twelve years of operation has proved its independence and professionalism. From a modest adventure at its inception in 1995, Cambodge Soir , hard work, discipline and selflessness, managed to become one sources of information are more reliable and more objective in the region. It was, for us, become a reference for reading the Cambodian society and issues which cross it. It is precisely its independence and ensure objectivity, the very ones who are punished today, which made it an invaluable tool. Cambodge Soir could just be a community newspaper recounting the news of expatriates. He has constantly striven to avoid this pitfall. These are skills Cambodian and French, these months apprehension and understanding of Cambodia, this memory is simply the latest developments in the kingdom who are now denied. They are twelve years and nearly 3000 numbers scanned from their cuffs. A huge waste of human and professional.

Faced with this mess, can we sit idly by? La Francophonie has throughout the years supported this endeavor. Can she ignore it now? Can she let it go this vector of La Francophonie? Can she let escape a team of journalists and French translators who, undoubtedly, will abandon the practice of this language? Can it be resigned to no longer have daily French press when she is fighting for this for almost fifteen years? Can consider that the only independent sources of information will be in English with an Anglo-Saxon? In short, should we send this strong signal if the decline of French and his ideas? Reject this decision taken by a handful of people who, in their own words, not the "same design Development of Cambodia as a dedicated editorial team independence and respect for facts.


1) Jean-Christophe Adde (France 3 journalist , jean christophe.adde @ laposte.net )

2) Isolda Agazzi (Journalist Infosud , Geneva, iagazzi@infosud.org)

3) Valerie Allasia (Journalist Nice Matin, Grasse, vallasia@nicematin.fr)

4) Frederic Amat (Correspondent Le Gavroche, Siem Reap, FACG@online.com.kh)

5) Jerome Barbier (freelance journalist, Paris jeromebarbier@hotmail.com )

6) Belgian Frederick (Editor-in-Chief Le Gavroche, Bangkok, frederic.belge @ laposte.net )

7) Berelowitch Irene (freelance journalist, Paris, irene.berelowitch @ laposte.net )

8) Birolli Bruno (Correspondent Le Nouvel Observateur, Beijing, bbirolli@nouvelobs.com )

9 ) Bernard Boudic ( Journalist Ouest-France and president of the Brotherhood West, Rennes, bernard.boudic @ West france.fr )

10) Jerome Boruszewski (freelance journalist, Phnom Penh, jboruszewski@hotmail.com )

11) Timothy Boutry (Reporter Parisien / Today in France , Paris, tboutry@yahoo.com )

12) Marc Brabant (Journalist magazine of the French Alliance , Bangkok, c. / o. sophie.jumelle-anne @ alliance-francaise.or.th )

13) Raymond Burke (Illustrator Releases 24 Heures, Lausanne , Raymond.Burki @ edipresse.ch )

14) Corinne Callebaut (Journalist 20 Minutes , Paris, ccallebaut@20minutes.fr )

15) Patrick Chappatte (Illustrator News International Herald Tribune - Le Temps, Geneva, chappatte@globecartoon.com )

16) Yvan Cohen (Director OnAsia Images , Bangkok, Yvan@onasia.com )

17) Florence Compain (Correspondent Le Figaro, Bangkok, Fcompain@compuserve.com)

18) Jean-Claude Coutausse (Photographer World , Paris, jeanclaude@coutausse.com)

19) Dao Thanh Huyen (journalist and journalism trainer, Hanoi, daohuyen@hotmail.com)

20) Eric Lavarène (Correspondent Hamsa Press agency and a founding member of Cambodge Soir, Islamabad, eric2lavarene@gmail.com)

21) Patrick Noirmont (Photo independent journalist patrick@noirmont.com )

22) Frederick Deligne (Press cartoonist Nice Matin, Nice, @ Deligne Deligne . en )

23) Charlotte Demart (Journalist The Generalist , Paris, charlotte.demarti @ fr.cmpmedica.com )

24) Dervieux Pascal (France Info Journalist, Paris, Pascal.DERVIEUX @ radiofrance.com )

25) Agnes Dherbeys (Photographer Cosmosphoto , Paris, agnesdherbeys@yahoo.fr )

26) Arnaud Dubus (RFI correspondent Liberation , Bangkok, arnauddubus@yahoo.com )

27) Patrick Durand (Journalist Abaca Press , Bangkok patrick.durand @ mac.com )

28) Dominique Esway (Journaliste France Info , Paris, Dominique.ESWAY@radiofrance.com )

29) Thierry Falise (Photoreporter indépendant, Bangkok , faliseth@thierryfalise.com )

30) Danièle Fonck (Journaliste Tageblatt et Présidente de l’Union de la Presse French - Section
Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, dfonck@tageblatt.lu)

31) Stephen Welsh (Editor-in-chief Seafood , Rennes s.gallois @ infomer.fr )

32) Gérault Fabienne (freelance journalist and journalism trainer, Orne, geraultfab @ wanadoo. en)

33) Damien Glez (Press cartoonist Le Journal du Jeudi, Ouagadougou, damien@glez.org )

34) Thomas Haley (Reporter-photographer, Sipa Press , thomas.haley @ wanadoo.fr )

35) Solenn Honorine (Correspondent RFI , Jakarta, s.honorine @ gmail.com )

36) Pierre Hurel ( Journalist Issue "7-8" - TF1 )

37) Anne-Sophie Twin (Journalist Magazine French Alliance, Bangkok, sophie.jumelle-anne @ alliance-francaise.or.th )

38) Solomon Kane (Correspondent Ouest-France, Bangkok, solomon@loxinfo.co.th )

39) Ky Soklim (RFI correspondent , Phnom Penh, soklimky@yahoo.fr)

40) Marc Kreuter (Journalist The Generalist , Paris, marc.kreuter @ fr.cmpmedica.com )

41) Patrick La Prairie (Journalist Ouest France, Rennes, patrick.laprairie @ West france.fr)

42) Isabelle Labeyrie (France Info Journalist, Paris, Isabelle.LABEYRIE @ radiofrance.com )

43) Julien Lecuyer (Journalist La Voix du Nord Lille, jlecuyer@lavoixdunord.fr )

44) Michel Martin (Journalist The New Caledonian , Noumea, michel.martin @ lnc . n)

45) Philippe Minard (editor in chief The New Caledonian , Noumea, pminard@lnc.nc )

46) Mix and remix (Designer of the weekly press , Lausanne, mix@mixremix.ch )

47) Kai Namshai (Cameraman France 24, Bangkok, namshai@hotmail.com )

48) Pierre Paccaud (freelance journalist, Bangkok pierre@inet.co.th )

49) Cyril Payen (France 24 Grand reporter , Bangkok, payen@loxinfo.co.th )

50) Marc Pennec (see Grand Ouest-France, Rennes, Marc.Pennec @ West france.fr )

51) Gregory Phillips (Journalist France Info , Paris, Gregory.PHILIPPS @ radiofrance.com )

52) Eleanor Pichard ( freelance journalist, Paris, norapichard@free.fr )

53) Plénacoste Philippe (Director Le Gavroche, Bangkok, direction@gavroche-thailande.com )

54) Poissonier Rémi (France 3 journalist , Basque Country, rpoissonnier@yahoo.fr )

55) Jean-Claude Pomonti (Editor-in-chief Focus Southeast Asia , Bangkok, jc.pomonti @ gmail . com )

56) Christian Povéda (Photoreporter Agence VU & Filmmaker, christianpoveda@mac.com )

57) Marc Provot (Journaliste indépendant et formateur en journalisme, Paris, provot@aol.com )

58) Pierre Queffélec (Rédacteur-en-chef Lepetitjournal.com , Bangkok, pierre.queffelec @ lepetitjournal.com )

59) Franck Renaud ( Chargé de Mission for Asia ESJ-Lille , Hanoi, franck@fpt.vn )

60) François Renaut (Journalist Mail International , France 3, France 24 , Paris, frrenaut@gmail.com )

61) Vincent Reynaud (see images Journalist , Chiang Mai, vincent@frenchtvcam.com )

62) Bernard Richard (Grand reporter, Ouest-France, Rennes , bernardpcb@free.fr )

63) Francis Rosso (Journalist Nice Matin, Nice, frosso@nicematin.fr)

64) Martin Rubio (Journalist Psychologies magazine , Paris, martin@psychologies.com )

65) Thierry Sabatier (Editor-in-Chief La Lettre de l'Expansion , Paris, tsabatier@groupe-exp.com )

66) Philippe Schwab (Correspondent Agence France -Presse, Vienna, phschwab@yahoo.fr )

67) Xavier Serre (Editor-in-Chief The New Caledonian , Noumea , @ xavier.serre lnc.nc)

68) Stephff (Press cartoonist The Nation, Bangkok, stephff@loxinfo.co.th )

69) Alain Thomas (Journalist, Toulouse, al1.thomas @ laposte.net)

70) Melody Tissot (freelance journalist, Paris, -)

71) Francis Turan (Correspondent Poi nt , Bangkok, francoistourane@yahoo.fr )

72) Carole Vann (News Agency Infosud , cvann@infosud.org )

73) John Vink ( Freelance photographer Magnum, Phnom Penh, vink@johnvink.com )

74) Olivier Weber ( Grand Point reporter, writer, president of Price Joseph Kessel Paris, oweber@lepoint.tm.fr )

75) Richard Werly (Correspondent for European Affairs Time , Brussels, richard.werly @ letemps.ch )

was also expressed their support:

1) Rene Aicardi (Delegate of the French Overseas, Hong Kong, aicardir@yahoo.fr )

2) Vincent Brossel (Asia Office of Reporters Without Borders, Paris, asie@rsf.org )

3) Francoise Callier (Angkor Photography Festival, frcallier@gmail.com )

4) Sylvie Grumbach ( Press Officer 2nd Office , sylvie.grumbach @ 2e-bureau.com )

5) Jerome Chambon (French Technology Press Office, Bangkok , jerome@asiaaccess.net.th)

6) Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy (Research Fellow at CNRS, pachouvy@geopium.org )

7) Gazeilles Vincent (General Counsel of the Hauts de Seine, vincent.gazeilles @ wanadoo.fr )

8) Catherine Godeau (Director, catherine.esway @ free.fr )

9) Mathieu Guerin (Lecturer, Caen, mathieu.guerin @ unicaen.fr )

10) Jean-Yves Le Déaut (MP PS Meurthe et Moselle, jyledeaut@assemblee-nationale.fr )

11) Valerie Muller (art historian, Geneva, valerie.muller @ bluewin.ch )

12) Dr. Koy Vanny (Endocrinologist-Internist University Hospital Calmette, Phnom Penh , koyvanny@yahoo.fr )

13) Marie-Ange Poyet (Documentary Filmmaker, Paris, jasdegarnier@hotmail.com )

14) Michael Sidman (councilor, Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne sidmanmy@bluewin.ch )

15) Satya Sivaraman (Avocate Asia Media Forum , Delhi, satya @ asiamediaforum.org )

16) Staraselski Valere (Ecrivain, Paris, Valere.Staraselski @ asmeg.org )

17) Sztanke Daniel (Chairman, Democratic Association of French Abroad, eupadi@samart.co.th )

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Da 4187 Form To Go Back To Old Mos

18th day - Cambodge Soir liquidated or not?

No meeting between the writing and direction of Cambodge Soir has yet taken place. Journalists and translators continue to make daily in the newspaper and trying each day to obtain clarifications and an appointment with management ... So far in vain. Since the announcement of the liquidation of the oral paper, on which management decision seemed to be back then, the situation of employees of Cambodge Soir is blurred. But keep writing hope to resume a constructive dialogue with management to ensure a sustainable recovery of bilingual daily Cambodge Soir. All your support and your ideas out of this crisis are welcome! collectifcs@gmail.com

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Replacing Toolbox Lock

Conciliation Proposal writing

The editorial proposed this Tuesday, June 19 administrators and management to a meeting Cambodge Soir in the newspaper Thursday, June 21 afternoon in order to submit an editorial and organizational .

The strikers refused today offered an appointment with the sole editor of the director and his deputy Wednesday morning, announced the agenda for this meeting is not up to the seriousness of the situation and management rejected the presence of a representative of Cambodia to the editor. To date, the drafting has also received no written response to its requests sent to management on Monday, June 11 including the relationship between writing and management.

The strike was decided on Monday, June 11 unanimously journalists and translators Cambodge Soir after the announcement of the exclusion unjustified and without notice of a journalist. Refusing any discussion or clarification on this exclusion, the director has abruptly announced Tuesday, June 12 to all journalists and translators closure of Cambodge Soir for "bankruptcy". This announcement provoked a violent clash in writing and brought the crisis to an unprecedented level of seriousness in the history of the company.

The possible reinstatement of the journalist, referred to verbally in recent days, will not suffice to restore a climate of trust necessary for the survival of the newspaper.

The redefinition of the organization's newspaper, sought by the editor, seems essential to lay solid foundations for a resumption of work following announced the closure of the newspaper, decision on which management seems to have returned since.

journalists and translators are present daily in the newspaper since the conflict began, recall their determination and willingness to open a true dialogue to find a lasting solution to revive Cambodge Soir .


Phnom Penh Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Friday, June 15, 2007

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Thank you support!

Writing thank Cambodge Soir many people who expressed their sympathy and show their support for the work it has undertaken, for the survival of French-language newspaper.

We are very grateful to our messages and to publicize this site so that the reasons for our movement and our concerns are clearly known when the dialog appears again.

We have more than ever on you to help us maintain a constructive speech and weighted in accordance with reality.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Black And White Checkered Jester Hat

Support the drafting and employees Cambodge Soir News

To support the movement launched by the editors of everyday Cambodian Khmer and French languages and express your solidarity to all employees of the newspaper, send email to collectifcs@gmail.com
Writing Cambodge Soir

What Is The Term For Pay For Own Food

2 (French)

Phnom Penh, June 14

Writing from Cambodia recalls that evening remains mobilized and it still wants to open a dialogue about issues raised in its previous releases, with directors and partners and French-language daily khmérophone.

Since launching the strike, the writing has received numerous messages of support from Cambodia and abroad.

Journalists continue to believe in the usefulness of a Cambodian newspaper in French and Khmer independent and professional and hope with all my heart that a successful outcome will be found to this crisis.

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Release (French)

Press drafting Cambodge Soir

Phnom Penh, June 13, 2007

The editor of the daily France-Soir Khmer Cambodia wishes to state the reasons which led it to trigger a unanimous motion to strike Monday, June 11, 2007, motion for extension.

The editorial staff of Cambodge Soir went on strike to express their deep disagreement over the exclusion of a fellow journalist, announced without notice to the Sunday, June 10 interested in the late afternoon.

The reasons for this exclusion explained in writing on Monday morning by the Director, are fuzzy and seem insufficient to justify the decision illegal and detrimental to the entire organization and the proper functioning Cambodge Soir.

The editorial also asked administrators to Cambodge Soir firm commitments and written about the rules of the log on procedures for dismissal, editorial responsibility and the future of this French-language daily.

Management has so far refused to address all these points and refuses to address the issue of unjustified exclusion of our colleague.

Tuesday evening, the director announced by the oral decision of the board of directors to terminate the Mekong Publishing Company, which publishes Cambodge Soir, a decision he has orally justified by a "bankruptcy" economy.

The editorial deplores the brutality that was announced this decision to halt work of thirteen years, while many projects have been implemented in recent months : www.cambodgesoir.info launch of the website, book publishing, reflection on the evolution of the editorial content ...

The editorial maintains its requests for clarification and reaffirms its profound attachment to the existence of a newspaper of general and political and Francophone khmérophone.


- Stephanie Gee, editor: 00-855 (0) 12 91 44 18

- Sothanarith Kong, responsible for design : 00-855 (0) 16 85 09 85

You can send messages of support to:


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Communique (Français)


Communique From The editorial team of Cambodge Soir

The Editorial Team of the French daily newspaper Khmer Cambodge Soir Wishes to announce the Reasons For the sincere Ongoing strike Monday, June 11, 2007.

Members of Cambodge Soir's editorial team are striking to show their fundamental disagreement over the dismissal of a journalist colleague, announced to him without prior notice, on Sunday, June 10 in the late afternoon.

The reasons given for this removal—explained to the editorial team on Monday morning by the director—are vague and, to us, do not sufficiently justify this illegal decision. It is detrimental to the organization as a whole as well as the proper operation of Cambodge Soir .

The editorial team also asked Cambodge Soir’s administrators for firm, written engagements on rules regarding dismissal procedures, editorial responsibilities, and the future of this French daily newspaper.

The administration has, for the moment, chosen not to respond to any of the issues raised and categorically refuses to initiate dialogue over the unjustified removal of our colleague.

On Tuesday night, the director verbally announced the administrative council’s decision to close down the « Société des Editions du Mékong » which publishes Cambodge Soir. This verbal decision was allegedly due to bankruptcy.

The editorial team regrets the abruptness with which this announcement was made, ending 13 years of work, while numerous new projects were initiated in the past few months: the launch of an internet site www.cambodgesoir.info , publishing, new thinking on the evolution of the editorial content, etc…

The editorial team maintains its demands for clarification. The team also reaffirms its deep attachment and commitment to an informative, francophone and khmerophone newspaper covering both general and political affairs.


- Stephanie Gee, editor in chief: 00-855 (0) 12 91 44 18

- Sothanarith Kong, in charge of design: 00-855 (0) 16 85 09 85

- Mail: collectifcs@gmail.com

Monday, June 11, 2007

Midi Controller With Soundcard

Announcement to Directors of Cambodge Soir, Monday, June 11

The editorial staff of Cambodge Soir inform the management and directors of the newspaper they went on strike on Monday, June 11, 2007 to express their deep disagreement over the exclusion of Seelow announced without notice to the person Sunday, June 10 late afternoon.

The reasons for this exclusion explained in writing on Monday morning with the paper's editor, seem insufficient to justify this decision detrimental to the organization and functioning of Cambodge Soir. From our point of view, the editor would otherwise have been consulted and notified.

Drafting was shocked to learn that the directors had considered closing the newspaper, so we love Cambodge Soir, we're deeply committed and we're fighting for months to try to revitalize it.

We were reassured to learn that management and directors did not intend to intervene on the newspaper's content but be informed and consulted on sensitive issues.

We would, however, a clear commitment on the following:

- no disqualification or dismissal without notice and without prior warnings

- no sudden decision without any consultation on the drafting of editor in chief

- invest the chief editor of actual editorial responsibilities

- not to blame financial problems and communication within the sole Cambodge Soir Editorial

- continue the work of reflection undertaken by the group strategy, function and responsibilities, salary scale and take into account the proposals contained therein. This process was very well received by the editor, seems the most constructive.

Writing will meet Tuesday morning at 8 h 30 to decide what action to take in the strike.