Monday, June 11, 2007

Midi Controller With Soundcard

Announcement to Directors of Cambodge Soir, Monday, June 11

The editorial staff of Cambodge Soir inform the management and directors of the newspaper they went on strike on Monday, June 11, 2007 to express their deep disagreement over the exclusion of Seelow announced without notice to the person Sunday, June 10 late afternoon.

The reasons for this exclusion explained in writing on Monday morning with the paper's editor, seem insufficient to justify this decision detrimental to the organization and functioning of Cambodge Soir. From our point of view, the editor would otherwise have been consulted and notified.

Drafting was shocked to learn that the directors had considered closing the newspaper, so we love Cambodge Soir, we're deeply committed and we're fighting for months to try to revitalize it.

We were reassured to learn that management and directors did not intend to intervene on the newspaper's content but be informed and consulted on sensitive issues.

We would, however, a clear commitment on the following:

- no disqualification or dismissal without notice and without prior warnings

- no sudden decision without any consultation on the drafting of editor in chief

- invest the chief editor of actual editorial responsibilities

- not to blame financial problems and communication within the sole Cambodge Soir Editorial

- continue the work of reflection undertaken by the group strategy, function and responsibilities, salary scale and take into account the proposals contained therein. This process was very well received by the editor, seems the most constructive.

Writing will meet Tuesday morning at 8 h 30 to decide what action to take in the strike.


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