for relief! Call for support
For almost three weeks, the daily France-Soir Khmer Cambodia is no longer on the newsstands or distributed to its subscribers. A social movement was launched Monday, June 11 to ask management a explanation for the unjustified exclusion of a journalist, who was subsequently charged with publishing an article "sensitive". The day after the onset of this movement, the paper's editor, saying that no discussion was possible, announced to the whole writing of the closure of the company that publishes editions of the Mekong Cambodge Soir. The reason given? The "bankrupt" economy.
Since then, administrators have neither confirmed nor denied officially the news.
Writing is still awaiting clarification on the situation of the newspaper. Despite our various meetings with partners in the newspaper, administrators maintain silence on the future of Cambodge Soir. No discussion with the writing took place.
This crisis has highlighted the danger to the editorial independence of Cambodge Soir that we want to defend. As for threats of extinction of the title, they have not prevented us to reflect on concrete proposals to ensure its sustainability.
Cambodge Soir is nothing without its readers and it is through your support that will ensure its rebirth.
journalists and translators of Cambodge Soir Send your messages and join over 200 people and institutions that we already support including:
- Khieu Kanharith, Information Minister
- Julio Jeldres, ambassador, biographer of King Father Norodom Sihanouk
- Rithy Panh, director
- Songchai Chaipatiyut, first secretary of the Thai embassy
- Raoul Marc Jennar, doctor and researcher Khmer Studies URFIG
- Marcel Lemonde, co-investigating judge at the Extraordinary Chambers
- Philip Short, a journalist and author of "Pol Pot: Anatomy of a Nightmare"
- Bernard Krisher, Publishing Director
Cambodia Daily - International Federation of Journalists
- Reporters Without Borders
- Syfia and InfoSud,
international press agencies - International Union of Francophone Press
- Press Alliance of Southeast Asia
- Emmanuelle Bastide, journalist at RFI
- Laure Vulpian, journalist at France Culture
- Elizabeth V., journalist and
writer - Department of Linguistics and French Studies from the Royal University of Phnom Penh
- Soizick Hook, anthropologist
- Chuth Khay, former Dean of the Faculty of Law, Phnom Penh
- Randal Douc, writer, mathematician
- Khmer Youth Association
- Fraternity Association West
- Ayrine Uk, Centre for Khmer Studies
also more than 75 journalists based in Bangkok, France and elsewhere have signed a letter of support to the drafting of Cambodge Soir addressed to Mr. Abdou Diouf, Secretary General of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie. The text of this letter is posted on the blog To add your signature to this letter, please send us an email to Thank you!
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