Friday, October 16, 2009

Comedian Talking About Kid Who

Stories of Our Sages - Rabbi Messaoud Chetrit - Sidi Baba זיע"א

History book by Baba Baruch שליט"א "
" It does the public no order is too heavy for him. "
"Rav messaoud Chetrit nicknamed" Baba Sidi "Brother of dirty hippie mother, not father.
Uncle Baba Baruch.
Seeing that the yoke of German ימ"ש sappesantissait on people, Jews as Arab, 'Baba dirty' decided that all Jews should gather at the synagogue and remain "young of the word" no time limit, while pouring out their prayers in a certain practice has not pronounce any other word that all Book of Psalms three times in the day, and until the Germans left the ville.Quand community heard of this decree 'Baba Sale', which amounted to interrupt all work and keep in prayer all day, she took it very badly.
But who could afford to tell Baba Sale זיע"א it was too difficult, they had children and needed to earn a living, especially during war or livelihoods were so rare!
Baba sidi זיע"א took it upon himself to speak to his brother and fix things.
The next day, the whole community gathered at the synagogue, with the exception of Baba sidi! which appeared pas.Pendant all day, Baba Sale watched the public to identify absences.Il noticed that everyone had come, except BABA SIDI!. The evening after the prayer of arvith, Sidi Baba entered the room our master "Baba Sale", he lowered his hand and greeted him affectionately as a "BRAVO!". "You can talk" said Baba Sale ". You do not associate you with the misfortunes of the community who implore. according to the rite of "Young Speech", considered a young "Great break" (the end of Shabbos Shabbos at the beginning of next), and as sixty-five thousand five hundred young ordinaires.Mais you you say "BRAVO ". ! What will people think? if his own brother does not observe his decrees, why would we? Tomorrow or after tomorrow, it will come more. "Sidi Baba replied: 'If I am not attached to you, it's only good intentions.Comme you have decreed a "Youth of the word" continuous, it is clear that everyone will forget parler.C is why it is better than I do not participate, as it will remain a Jew in the city that will be able to speak when needed. "dirty Baba smiled and said:"-or do you come? "Your order is equivalent to the abandonment of all people enfants.Il wife and is already so difficult to earn a living in normal times, has more reason now! Who knows how long this can last until the war ends and that the Germans are driven out of here? And as far as, how will they live? So what do you propose?-Collects ten men who will undertake a "young of the words" permanent and study on behalf of everyone, until D '. we take into pitie.Et those who have no work can join a eux. You are right, "replied Baba dirty a smile, pleased with the intelligence of his brother.
After some days, D '. heard the prayers of his people, and the American army conquered Morocco, and drove the Germans, the Jews could take breath.
than merit of the saint Sidi Baba זצוק"ל protect us!
You can find all his wonderful stories on the site
Bet Shalom - The Stories of Families Abihssira -


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