Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kates Playground Cam Show

Hilloula the Holy Tzaddik Rabbi Yosef Elkoubi זצוק"ל וזיע"א

Hilloula of the holy and venerable tzaddik Rabbi Yosef Elkoubi זיע"א is celebrated on 11 Cheshvan .

Who was Rabbi Yosef Elkoubi זיע"א -

Rabbi Yosef lived זיע"א in Meknes in Morocco and was a great master of Kabbala

Rabbi Yosef זיע"א was the master of the holy and venerable tzaddik

Rabbi Raphael Baruch Toledano

Miracles of Rabbi Yosef Elkoubi זיע"א -

Rabbi Yosef זיע"א took the oil and looked for some time

and could tell people what would happen to them . Rabbi Yosef זיע"א knew the secrets of the Kabbala and it was through this that he could perform miracles such as this one.

the light went out -

The Saint and revered Rabbi Yosef Elkoubi זיע"א passed away on 11 Cheshvan of the year 1941

The Hilloula This year's festival the 'Thursday 29 October 2009 - 11 Cheshvan 5770,

Turn a night so that his merit protect all the people of Israel.

and his Merit, you will see great success in all areas.

Join the Facebook event of Hilloula -

Bet Shalom - The Center of Jewish Moroccan

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Getting Glue Off Steel

Stories of Our Sages - Rabbi Israel Abihssira - Baba Sale זיע"א

"Whoever cleans will not be cleaned?"
History happens there is a thirty years in Israel,
a soldier has disappeared, the family is very worried and are a lot of worries,
good when one is Moroccan and one lives long in Israel and practices that we will see ? Baba Sale זיע"א
course .. They come to him and said "That Kvod Harav"
our son is gone!
Baba Sale זיע"א their words: "Bring me the Mahia (Alcohol),
" Then he poured the Mahia to everyone, and raised his glass of Mahia, and said
"נקה לא ינקה?" (The one that cleans will not be cleaned?)
Then everyone drank Mahia!
And they went home. A week passes, then the soldier come home, safe and sound! after being reunited. Then they decided to go celebrate at Sale זיע"א Baba, Baba Sale
sang with them! Short, Simha Total!

Then Baba Sale זיע"א turned to the soldier, telling him: "What
is your Mitzvah (Good Deed)?! Private-
answered: how does "What Mitzvah?!
Baba Sale said: What do you do special mitzvah?!
-The soldier said: bah I put on tefillin every morning, after studying
prayer, I Shabbos properly ..
Baba Sale said: No you have your Mitzvah!
-The soldier replied: It is true that after people leave the synagogue, I take the broom, no one sees, then I clean the synagogue.

dirty זיע"א Baba said to him: Behold thy Mitzvah "Whoever cleans will not be cleaned to Allah!" Thanks to you this mitzvah has been saved.

We see the greatness of the Tzaddik, Baba Sale זיע"א is has reached this level has its serious high purity of the eyes. Take for example, and Ratzon Yehi Hashem protects us by the Merit of the saint and revered Baba Sale זיע"א

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is Your Cervix Open Before Your Period

Parshah of the Week - Noah

God said to Noah and end of all flesh came before the earth is full of violence against them and I am Mshachitm the country
Et Hachem dit a Noa'h: "Le terme de toutes les créatures est présent devant moi parce que la terre a cause d'elles, est remplie de violence; et je vais le détruire avec la terre. (Berechit, 6,13)
The verdict was sealed this generation's cause of flight - in fact, he did not realize that it is Hashem who caters to the needs of all its creatures. The order of the letters of the alphabet may be an allusion to this: ד, ג, ב, א
Where E mouna (א) - belief in Hashem , then there is the B erakha (ב) - the blessing
But where the G uesel (ג) - the flight, the result is D alout (ד) - poverty, because only the honestly earned money can lead the benediction.
וישאר אך נח ואשר אתו בתבה
... and there remained only Noah and those who were with him in the ark. (Bereshit, 7.23)
Why was it decreed that Noah should support the continued presence animals in the ark? Indeed, he had to deal day and night, suffering all the inconveniences related to the maintenance of each species, and that one can imagine!
One answer lies in the commentary made by our Sages of the following verse: "For the waters of Noah are mine" (Ishaya, 54.46). Hashem Noah has criticized his lack of enthusiasm vis-à-vis the people of his generation: he has not encouraged to do teshuvah.
It is for this reason that the flood waters are called the "waters of Noah", a bit like if he had some responsibility in the coming of the flood. It
why Hashem has placed him in a situation where he was able to properly reflect the needs of each of the creatures, which needs Hashem provides the smallest detail, even in the case of crawling insects or beasts! A fortiori the case of man, Hashem created in His image. Noah has been the principle "Mida Mida Kenegued" - able to measure somehow the effect of "Boomerang" - for not having enough compassion of people of his generation: he was forced care for all creatures on earth. (The meal of the king)
where he died took the dress and put on the shoulders of two of them went backwards and covered the nakedness of their father, their faces backward and wakefulness father did not see
Chem prit, et Yafete, la couverture, la déployèrent on their shoulders, they went backward and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were turned back and they saw not the nakedness of their father.
(Bereshit, 9.23)
In the verse it says "Chem Took" and not "Shem and Yafet took" then they took all the blanket to cover their father.
Rashi explains:
is written this way to learn that we put more urgency Chem Yafet that has done the mitzvah, which is why his son deserve to wear the tallit fringes provided. (Leketi Eliyahu)
From here we learn the importance of rushing to do a mitzvah.
This course is dedicated to the elevation of the soul of Ben Shushan Naim Hnin ז"ל
whose parsha of the week Noah, is the Torah of his death
ת.נ.צ.ב. ה

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Penise Shaft Bumps Acne

# 10. Dede MP, Jeanjean president!

Vive U. PD. and the electoral triumph of talented people from birth!

I love the little introductory sentence on the wikipedia page of Dede:

"David Douillet , born 17 February 1969 to Rouen is a French politician former judoka turned businessman. Since 19 October 2009 is member of Yvelines . "

That says enough about the definition of the French politician .. .

Can we learn from this page and quasi-autobiographical fictionalized that Dede began judo at age 11, won his first Olympic title at age 27, then gets sprained wrist before winning his second Olympic title at age 31 before retiring from racing and get started in business, television, business, parties, meetings, brewing Pépette that led to a test of his political career at age 40, as emphasized in the pamphlet on wikipedia "David Douillet has also invested in Politics: " on 4 March 2009, he was appointed secretary General the "sporting life" of the UMP "But

David Douillet the UMP is not new though. We remember his prowess as a set with Mr. President on various occasions. For David Douillet is very appreciated by the housewife of 50 years and over who sees what a big burly protector baby to cuddle. And it's good for his image of being surrounded by good advertising.

Finally all that to say that he is endowed Dede anyway. Well OK, it was not necessarily the NAS, but it's still a great sports career with two Olympic titles among others and a career as a businessman of all kinds! It is not nothing, especially for a retired professional athlete is ze best of ze best. And 40 years, is in full possession of his faculties. So to make politics what better? In addition it is the voters who chose him, and nobody else.

So finally, what's all this hype around Jeanjean? Well OK, it was not necessarily the NAS, but it's still a great career jetsetteur elite with a high school diploma and a Pastor heir born rich Started! It is not nothing, especially for a student to retirement is ze best of ze best. And 23 years, is in the middle of the beginning of adulthood. So to do politics, what better? In addition it is the electorate who will appoint him, uh, choose, and nobody else, of course!

And wikipedia is that the first said:

Jean Sarkozy ( Jean Sarkozy de Nagy-Bosca state-civil French ), born 1 st September 1986 in Neuilly-sur-Seine is a French politician. Member of the Union for a Popular Movement It is Advisor Hauts-de-Seine for Canton of Neuilly-sur-Seine-Sud since 16 March 2008, and leader of the UMP- New Center - various right the council, since 16 June 2008 . "

And it says even more than Dede; Jeanjean, it , it was long involved in politics, he begins to have the little bottle of gifted neuilléen. So Dede MP, Jeanjean president! So there!

(They work well eh, teams com UMP, what a gift of narrative and adding new layers)

CC Cancan 2009

Belive Msj For Good Luck

Mussar - "The accounts of Hashem"

רבות מחשבות בלב איש ועצת ה 'היא תקום "
Man'm thinking, but Hashem decreed.
We all believe that everything depends on us, but actually everything is up there ..
We will report a history that will enlighten us on this point.
Our sages teach us:
One day a man came to ask Hamelkh Shlomo (King Solomon) to teach him the language of animals. The wisest man among men (King Solomon) replied that it was not always good know everything.
But the man insisted, and the King finally agreed to teach him.
On the way back, the man immediately tried to use their new knowledge and listened to hear two birds discuss one or the other has said that later in the week, he Similarly, the man who listened, had lost all its livestock would die.
He rushed home and then sold his entire herd and actually the next week all the cattle died, "Luckily" he had had time to sell!
few days later he heard again discuss the two birds together and say this once a week Next is his house which was to catch fire!
course, he hastened to sell his house and once again he was "Saved" a great loss.
But the third week, he heard a far more terrible news while listening to the birds, he learned that he himself would die a few days later.
The desperate man rushed to King Solomon and the whole story.
King told him: "Do you remember that I warned you that it is not always good to know everything?
I'll explain what happened.
You had apparently repairing some fault, and Heaven was decreed that to do this, your herd should disappear. Now if you had heard the first discussion between birds, you would not have sold and its loss would have allowed the expiation of your sins.
After that was decreed that your house had to go to atone for your sins because you did not own most of the flock, and once again you prevent the repair to be selling your house.
Now that you possess nothing, the decree can not descend on your own life ...."
For this, we must receive everything with love by saying
" Zou Letov Gam "-" Everything is for the good "
Because when someone has problems in his life, he must know that everything comes from Heaven,
and not say" I have no luck! "Because it is a lack of faith in Heaven.
We need to know that everything has its source
and if it happens to us something that D. .. forbid, there is a good reason
and that we deserve.
For Hakodosh Baruch Hu has its accounts, and we must not be Vechalom Has cons.
Yehi Ratzon - which is nothing but grow in the path of Torah and mitzvot,
with success in all areas.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How To Manage My Straight Weave

# 9. The Post, we all have to gain?

14h -
I leave my house, my bag filled with packages to mail to the shoulder.

2:03 p.m. -
I crossed the threshold of the post office. A long human barrier divides the premises into two parts. A dozen people formed a single file. Far ahead, two separate panels are placed before 4 wickets "All operations", and thus form a barrier that hides the non-active employees. Of these four wickets, only one is operational, others are totally deserted. To provide better service to its customers, The Post has revamped its layout.
To my left two machines for weighing oneself shipments and print-your-own stamps. On these two machines is down. Just next door is the photocopier to photocopy their documents themselves. A4 is a beautiful sheet taped to the hood of the machine, a note is written to the attention of those who would want to use. Can see in childish handwriting the words "Failed". Just off this workhorse with no maintenance contract is the counter "Package". But just as the 3 wickets "All operations", this one is definitely abandoned. To signify that it is a lost cause to hope to see an employee, the window was decorated all over with all packaging colissimo imaginable. It has become the showcase exhibition of products from La Poste. Two benches let you imagine that there were pending and therefore the activity at one time. But these banks are not used to anybody, and nobody would dare to leave his place in queue to go and sit until it happens.
To my right, stop "letter". Once again, the sentinel in charge of this daunting task has abandoned his post.
Behind me, another stop a little dark about its activities. One imagines that the packages are sent there because again, mounds and packaging Chronopost Colissimo are arranged all around in cardboard fortress.

2:05 p.m. - The tiny old woman just before me in the queue begins to stir. She tries, but still valuable in its place, to see what goes on behind the walls advertising (yes, we There is a bit of everything: packets of envelopes pre-stamped, cookbooks, comics and DVD price absolutely not defying any competition, etc.). After stretching, physical worthy of a little rat of the Opera, she finds that she is not out of the woods and jumps up and down all over again.

2:07 p.m. - The tiny old lady withdraws. She left her place and decided to go attend to other business. Win a place so, and I decide not to take one step forward to leave a passage for people wishing to use their own machine to post, and so to save me from pushing unpleasant nervously.

2:08 p.m. - A dynamic framework enters the scene of not pressed. Wretch! This is the thing not to do in La Poste: being in a hurry. With a look bewildered, he quickly deciphers all the signs that indicate which window does what. It targets the wicket "Package" and reached in three strides. He tries to find the invisible employee who may be hiding behind the mountains of cardboard boxes. Very quickly (it is pressed, remember), he understands that he will not be served. It targets while an employee of the digestive and post ride passing by. He harpooned, shot the questions and criticisms the limit of the insult, he decides to throw in the towel against the incompetence postmistress.

2:13 p.m. - Meanwhile Indian file has grown. 5 people are behind me. One of them, seeing the gap of 45 cm Civic that I left before I attempted to extort up. But of course I responded by indicating the direction of the tail. The person falls back, sighing loudly.

2:18 p.m. - The tail advance at idle. People are starting to hop with impatience and lethargy. I'm starting to not feel my right leg. I also hops to leave my circulation blood.

14:20 - You hear sighs, grunts, hate mumbled phrases. The waiting becomes unbearable. People check for the umpteenth time the address written on their envelope. They pat on their mobile phones to handle, while staying on the alert to respond to the very second the tail forward.

2:24 p.m. - The tail advance. Almost simultaneously, each person made two small steps forward, dragging their feet. Behind me, I feel a breath near a warmth that emanates and a sort of discomfort in his back. I turn around. There, at 3 cm distance, is a girl who protects his place by the most radical: to stick to the person before. That person, of course, it must be me. I breathe deeply, open a chakra and breathe out slowly.

14:30 - I'm almost there! More than three people before me. The ordeal of waiting up to an end. Courage, it is important not to fail so close to the goal.

2:31 p.m. - Miracle, used previously in the digestive walk moved to one of 4 wickets.

2:32 p.m. - The employee removes the sign "sold out".

2:33 p.m. - The employee replaced by a sign "Pro cards.

12 / 100 2:33 p.m. ET - A queue formed suddenly in front of the wicket. Where are these people, nobody knows because everybody was busy scrutinizing when the other employee will deliver the magic words "next one". In the file "pro card," people cling to their VIP cards.

2:35 p.m. - The sighs turned into groans. My file is exasperated and disgusted with the preferential treatment is being done to people who can afford to pay a minimum of 50 € / year for the privilege to just under the tail to the Ext.

2:38 p.m. - Hurrah! I am now in the lead. A sense of pride came over me, I kept having hitherto kept my composure and not lose a leg. I take a look at the length of the queue behind me. I find myself having a smile that reflects my petty pride front of the queue. I look at all those behind me with a quizzical look.

14.40 - I hear the employee begin a dialogue with the client, announcing my impending move!:
"And with that sir?
- This is it.
" Then it will make you 28, 43 €. .. "
The customer left his wallet ; The beating of my heart accelerating.
But this is when I hear on my left foot scraped the ground. The process is punctuated by a metallic sound and steady, close to the sound of tolling bells. My eye goes to the funeral march. There, my heart stops. Advancing a step resigned, an old man and his walker to conquer MON wicket. He holds in his hand a plastic card carefully. This old man has the Black Card VIP cards: the famous card "disabled", priority pass, stars of the European Union, wheelchair finger.
Sure of himself and his piece of paper, the old man still has the kindness to show me his cards close to prove its legitimacy in the fence shameful place. Quietly, without much hurry (it's a disabled anyway), he joined the wicket which was meant for me.

14:45 - The old man must feel very lonely. For not happy with the grill room for everybody, he started a conversation about totally private with the jailer, the name of god.
"Oh yeah, my good sir, is what it was. I at the time, people were saying hello ..." Blablabla, clack, clack (sound of his dentures poorly bonded), blablablabla.

2:47 p.m. - The old man has arthritis, it's official.

2:48 p.m. - During the health check of Aymee Truffion (we lack more than its number of safety), the teller cards made fart pro performance. The 4 VIPs have been served! The ticket is free! Neither one nor two, I rush to the free zone. An employee greets me:
"Hello Mrs. .."
Having already prepared everything, I leave my luggage and my bills carefully filled.
"For shipments colissimo.
- Okay, then, is to send in France?
- Yes, everything is ready.
- I see."
Here it slips out colissimo different.
"You want to send single or recommended?
- You see, I already filled my bills, here.
- Okay, so attention is unsigned, eh.
- Yes, I know.
- Ugh, I know not what I got one of those headache, "she said to her computer.
I watch with round eyes, fingers tapping on the plastic window. She takes one of the packages, put it on the scale, and until it makes the weight calculation (operation that takes no more than two seconds), it disappears under his desk. I am looking to see what she traffics. The migraine search in his bag and asked where his pills were gone for the head. It raises its head by blending excuses to make me wait. Refarfouille it in his bag. She finally reappears, her purse in her hand. It takes a second to perform the same package weighing operation. Taking advantage of the time it was given, she rummages in her purse and pulls out some yellow pieces. It takes a third parcel. At that time, all my nails are broken.
"Ahlala, but it's not terrible, my head will explode, I'm really sorry, I'll quickly go to the machine to something sweet because there I want more ... "
I did not even have time to open his mouth to tell him at least finish what she started, she was gone!
I gnaws little nails I have left.

2:52 p.m. - The again! hands empty.
"Again sorry ma'am. The worst thing is that I did not have the correct change for the machine. I went there for nothing. "
My fingers bleed.
She took the last packet and shall weigh.
" You need something else?
- not just the addition. Oh yes, while you're there and since I often items forbidden, would it be possible that you me give other bills that I prepare in advance?
- Oh no, this is impossible, we have not been delivered, it is expected one week supplies. "
I do not want to go in his conversation and did not ask him how she had managed my unaddressed bills.
"Too bad. I pay by card. "
She takes the card machine, tape carefully the amount, handed me the machine. I notice an error in inputting numbers.
" Uh, I owe you 25.00 euros, not 2500 euros. ..
- Ohhh, excuse me, hehehe, I do anything with this damn headache. "
It retypes the amount this time it's good! Brl, brl, brl, the ticket comes out, it tears me and trends.
"That lady.
- I can retrieve my card, too? It can be used.
- Ohhh, excuse me, I see you lying to you huh, I need sugar.
- That's goodbye Mrs. .
- ...
- In re-see!
- Ohhh, sorry, goodbye ma'am. "

2:57 p.m. - That's it! I managed to mail my package! I can not believe I'll finally be able to leave its premises where patience is the mother of all virtues. At the desk next to Mr. Truffion restarts also with his newly purchased book of stamps.
I leave the office ext.
Outside, birds sing victory, while Mr Truffion goes to the pharmacy of the post.

15:00 - I'm going home.

3:01 p.m. - I leave my house to go buy some fake nails.

CC Cancan 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What Is The Cost To Lay Travertine Tiles

Yomit Halacha - Rules of Rosh Chodesh - Yaala Veyavo

1. Some used to fast on the eve of Rosh Chodesh, and recite the ritual of Yom Kippur Quatane, for in that day, all sins are forgiven in the month, the same was offered a goat (of Atonement ) was Rosh Chodesh, and we also say in the Musaf Office (Office of Morning Extra) זמן כפרה לכל תולדותם - "Time for forgiveness for all their descendants .."
We will comply, in every place, has the use Local.
But it is forbidden to fast on the same day of Rosh Chodesh, and we do not pronounce a funeral oration, it does not say either the funeral
2. It is recommended to take a better meal in honor of Rosh Chodesh.
If it falls on Shabbat, we eat a dish of Chabbatot more than others. On Rosh Chodesh
is allowed to work. Women have a habit of not working that day and is a good use, and it should not be too tolerant in this regard.
3. We will stand during the recitation of Hallel and we not abort in the middle of this recitation. We strive to recite the same time as the community, so if someone comes to the synagogue just before the recitation of Hallel is recited with the rest of the community, and then he made his prayer.
After Hallel we say the full Kadisha, one leaves the scroll of the Torah and the Torah is called a four faithful.
4. When someone forgot to tell "Yaala Veyavo - יעלה ויבא" a Rosh Chodesh in Chahar (Morning Prayer) and Minha (Please the afternoon), it realizes it before saying "Yihou lératson - יהיו לרצון" (end of the Amidah) it will start a "Rets - רצה"
and he realizes after "Yihou Lératson - יהיו לרצון" he will resume the beginning of prayer.
But it was Rosh Chodesh forgot to say "Yaala Veyavo - יעלה ויבא" has Arvit (Please evening), or that Rosh Chodesh is two days, let him not one, of when he said: ברוך אתה השם
and mentioned the Chemie (Name of God), it should not start but finish המחזיר שכינתו לציון and finish the prayer, The reason we do not start from the beginning was "Evening Prayer" is that we did not announce the new month at night.
5. Any place where you must repeat the prayer, it takes time to walk four cubits.
6. If someone forgot to tell Yaala Veyavo in Birkat HaMazon - if he said the week he shall not again, if he says he will resume on Shabbat.

Breastfeedingyour Man

# 8. The herd instinct in the urban jungle

The Paris metro is an underground urban jungle where the nerves are strained.

With an experience of thirty years of practice of the industrial environment where teeming with diverse wildlife, I can tell you that for a good Parisian, it is inconceivable not to use this means of transport convenient, economical and more or less environmentally friendly. Whether to go to work, school, walk, go shopping, go out, or go home, the Paris Metro favors a return to aggressive behavior in some primary and violation of individual freedom.

purely gregarious instinct resurfaced; rush hour, hundreds of people are kept in conditions close to those of chickens in battery cages. At peak times, people tend to congregate in herds cattle fed animal meal.

When you take the subway in the morning, say 9am, the proofs are rather Physical gestures are automatic morning, the brain is still in a night-in-the-cozy bed.
the evening, say at 18h, we can expect to face the same hardships as the morning, but the mind is much more than the physical.

To address this urban jungle, we must be prepared physically and mentally, opt for an outfit of a fighter (water, shoulder bag with outside pocket special "pass Navigo", sneakers, sunglasses, compass, map of the metro) and equip yourself with armor Anti-stress: ipod, book, game console, laptop, etc.. But above all stay alert and anticipate control subway workers and their dams flying.

The obstacle course begins to approach the station. In the street, people are in a hurry, scramble, going in every direction to make their way to the subway in which they rush at a rate of frantic race against the clock verging on collapse at any moment.

"Take the subway to get from point A to point B is to pass a series of events fraught with pitfalls in a hostile environment ...

The thick re u ve gantry
Happened to the portals, time is growing short. You have no room for error, the Navigo pass or ticket has to be ready unsheathed. Traffic must be fluid, especially in the morning when everyone got up on the left foot and that everyone is "working me madam." It is a disorganized anthill where everyone follows his own order of execution of automatic movements in its race against the clock to accomplish their mission: do not miss the subway.
ready to physical violence such as being jostled, being pushed around, being stuck between the machine and the queue of people behind you trying to force their way by pushing everyone in front and try and cause a domino effect for you eject out of their way to the dock.

Trial of the wharf
like hungry wolves, people congregate in a pack watching their prey: the arrival of the subway. The eyes are fixed on the sign announcing the next train to attack. When the meter is less than 2 minutes a stampede occurs towards the edge of the platform.
This event takes place in two stages: the first is to pass through these wolf packs on the lookout for the slightest movement ready to leap, and anticipate the storm approaching the subway platform. The second is to adopt a positioning strategy to prevent the sudden attack by a cloud of bats released when opening the doors of the cars.
If you fail this test, you lose your mission is still not miss the subway, and you may have physical evidence of the passage of bats space and thirsty for revenge against all the world.
Your mission is saved as soon as you walk through the door of the subway and you're driving.

The ordeal of the journey aboard

is a test with three options:

1. Option sitting (easy)
This option requires having previously successfully passed the obstacles strewn on the path to a seat. We must be vigilant to the vultures that circle the seating area, you should know them ahead and take them by surprise. It is a game of cunning, the smartest and ensure reagent a journey less stressful.
However it is an option with traps: pregnant women / people of the 3rd age / disabled at any time you can mow the victory in show jumping.

2. The optional folding seat (intermediate)
You are in the standing room area.
The herd instinct prevails. The herd resumed its share of meadow approaching the lost sheep. It is not imposible that you find yourself a few inches from the rump of a sheep. It is usually a tactic to force you opponent to get up, to join them and share your living space.

3. The optional stand (difficult level)
is a great contest of immobility, stiffness and self-control. It has its place standing after the bar to stand and he must fight to keep its conquered territory, elbows, front counter shipments of halitosis, dodging wandering hands bear the crushing foot and pollution sound (or telephone conversations between users), expect to be exposed to parasites infect you coming gregariousness pretext crowded subway, sit on your shoulder / your bag / your arms stretched carefully weighing all their weight donkey died.
Tip: always keep an eye on movements of people sitting and group of vultures whose concentration may falter and eventually finish the race with a short break before the release.

The test output

One goal: get out. You have accomplished your mission "take the subway, now what matters is the release of land to air and light.

Exit the Metro. Stand up if you sit and move toward the doors. Of course the best place is at the door, hand on the handle, well positioned in the middle. The doors open behind the cattle pushing for progress towards the common outlet and before the wolf pack that has one thing in mind, get on the subway no matter what.
Finally, join the movement of the nest and go through the different currents to reach the exit.

The ultimate hurdle:

the automatic gate / the turnstile that separates you from your goal: the air li ber.

last step very emotional sporting achievements ... We must tame the mechanical machine with pneumatic grips and shortness of breath and threatening. We must tame the metal saw rotating and unwelcoming.
is the final sprint to the finish line. We must put the whole package and follow his instinct for survival and be guided by the light.

Once out, the mission is accomplished,

the reward is Paris.

CC Cancan 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Comedian Talking About Kid Who

Stories of Our Sages - Rabbi Messaoud Chetrit - Sidi Baba זיע"א

History book by Baba Baruch שליט"א "
" It does the public no order is too heavy for him. "
"Rav messaoud Chetrit nicknamed" Baba Sidi "Brother of dirty hippie mother, not father.
Uncle Baba Baruch.
Seeing that the yoke of German ימ"ש sappesantissait on people, Jews as Arab, 'Baba dirty' decided that all Jews should gather at the synagogue and remain "young of the word" no time limit, while pouring out their prayers in a certain practice has not pronounce any other word that all Book of Psalms three times in the day, and until the Germans left the ville.Quand community heard of this decree 'Baba Sale', which amounted to interrupt all work and keep in prayer all day, she took it very badly.
But who could afford to tell Baba Sale זיע"א it was too difficult, they had children and needed to earn a living, especially during war or livelihoods were so rare!
Baba sidi זיע"א took it upon himself to speak to his brother and fix things.
The next day, the whole community gathered at the synagogue, with the exception of Baba sidi! which appeared pas.Pendant all day, Baba Sale watched the public to identify absences.Il noticed that everyone had come, except BABA SIDI!. The evening after the prayer of arvith, Sidi Baba entered the room our master "Baba Sale", he lowered his hand and greeted him affectionately as a "BRAVO!". "You can talk" said Baba Sale ". You do not associate you with the misfortunes of the community who implore. according to the rite of "Young Speech", considered a young "Great break" (the end of Shabbos Shabbos at the beginning of next), and as sixty-five thousand five hundred young ordinaires.Mais you you say "BRAVO ". ! What will people think? if his own brother does not observe his decrees, why would we? Tomorrow or after tomorrow, it will come more. "Sidi Baba replied: 'If I am not attached to you, it's only good intentions.Comme you have decreed a "Youth of the word" continuous, it is clear that everyone will forget parler.C is why it is better than I do not participate, as it will remain a Jew in the city that will be able to speak when needed. "dirty Baba smiled and said:"-or do you come? "Your order is equivalent to the abandonment of all people enfants.Il wife and is already so difficult to earn a living in normal times, has more reason now! Who knows how long this can last until the war ends and that the Germans are driven out of here? And as far as, how will they live? So what do you propose?-Collects ten men who will undertake a "young of the words" permanent and study on behalf of everyone, until D '. we take into pitie.Et those who have no work can join a eux. You are right, "replied Baba dirty a smile, pleased with the intelligence of his brother.
After some days, D '. heard the prayers of his people, and the American army conquered Morocco, and drove the Germans, the Jews could take breath.
than merit of the saint Sidi Baba זצוק"ל protect us!
You can find all his wonderful stories on the site
Bet Shalom - The Stories of Families Abihssira -

How Do I Know My Lacrosse Glove Size

Parshah of the Week - Bereshit

על גחנך תלך ועפר תאכל כל ימי חייך
.. You will crawl on your belly, and you shall eat dust all the days of your life.
Bereshit (3.14)

The Talmud (Brachot 57b) teaches us that the curse was pronounced against the serpent - that of having to eat dust - causes that their food is always a scope: wherever he goes, it is easy to find! stated further that: anyone dream of a snake is guaranteed to have an easy living!

Therefore, one may legitimately ask why this is a curse.

Actually, the curse lies in the fact that the snake is found at this distant point of holiness, it lacks the ability to look up at the sky and send his petition to Hashem for any food at all ... Its food is immediately at hand, he did not need to ask Hashem. It was served once and for all:

"Take what is yours and disappear from view, so I do not hear you or see you ..."

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How To Make A Tahitian Hip Belt

The Hidouch Bet Shalom

The festivities of the month of Tishrei have passed,
entire period that ranged from Rosh Chodesh Elul until the end of Sukkot was conducive to teshuvah (repentance) because Hashem was among us and could hear our pleas.
begging is said in Hebrews "NA-נא"
The numerical value of "NA-נא" is "51"
and what's more is that there Etton "51" days between Rosh Chodesh Elul and the end of Sukkot.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Clf2- Central Atom Bond Angle

# 7. When I grow up, I do like Dad ...

How to clear a path in life when you have a super powerful daddy? So be it crashed and it is something completely different, even hide his identity to make a name in an environment totally alien to the environment in which the bulky dad, either we like him! And we expect it to have the same age to act.

You are well born? It is already a very good thing!
You have no talent? It's okay, Dad teams are here for.

The 10 stages of your ascension are:

1. Being part of the workplace that Dad, as soon as you are of legal age (usually 18 years).

2. Ask Dad to offer you a complimentary well-placed position in his company, avoiding any status pathetic and uninteresting (s), that is to say avoid internships and all that lies below the status frame / President ... You do not know what's underneath? Okay you are not concerned in any case.

3. Ask uncle, aunt, godfather, godmother you unroll the red carpet to your every whim. Because if not, watch out, Dad will not be happy (and risk them turning, even if they are part of the family, because we do not practice favoritism to the death, no no).

4. Change of look for a more credible and serious. Yes, because the look of teen "Beverly Hills-son-to-Dad" it could not pass too.

5. Wear goggles, even if you do not need. You win right away a few years of virtual studies.

6. While watching how Dad talks about. And how that move. Because if Daddy has succeeded is because it can speak and move her body. Repeat exactly the same gestures and the same words (the language fluency in French is not mandatory, ed.)

7. Never answer any questions you are asked. Always use the same answers that may apply to any question.

8. Remember to always start sentences with "Me, I ..." a great way to emphasize that the topic of conversation is you.

9. Still justify a previous experience through which you learned everything (even if this first experience, it is also Dad, grandpa , uncle, aunt , godfather and godmother you have given).

10. Ally with a rich family, just in case. Produce offspring to be sure of having a pension if the marriage does not ultimately work.

This is the kit turnkey way to success!

Daddy is the world's strongest! And two, well, it is twice as strong! Na!

CC Cancan 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

How Do I Do Combinations On A Calculator

# 6. Botox Collagen + Hyaluronic Acid + = job?

course you've noticed that most if not all-actresses-were resorting to cosmetic surgery, and this is not a fact again.

These women, already spoiled by Mother Nature, are struggling to accept the effects of time spent. Especially since their physics is their livelihood. But these women tend to forget that they exercise a profession in which they are supposed to show emotions.
The Hollywood
dictatorship forces them to look like a wax doll, which each year must rejuvenate. Result, they end up having all the same look, whether happy, sad, angry or serene, the same quack luscious lips and cheeks of the same girl 15. Especially since the productions use the same surgeons, who have the same techniques and which are duplicates of Barbie doll, their inexhaustible source of inspiration.

Modern methods are a cocktail of injections of all kinds: Botox, hyaluronic acid, collagen (I would call the "cocktail boté ).
> The Botox, or botulinum toxin, has the effect of blocking nerve conduction and thus muscle contraction. Basically when you inject Botox in the forehead, you can no longer raise eyebrows show how you're surprised by the diamond ring that you offer your fiance.
> The hyaluronic acid (HA) is a water sensor (it has all of course) and acts like a sponge. If we you injected HA in the grooves of the nose, hop, you have more wrinkles of expression, it's great to smile without anyone knowing.
> The Collagen is a fibrous glycoprotein, this in our organization. It is commercially produced and used for various purposes (food, photographic, etc.). It is a kind of gelatin that plastic surgeons are injecting around the bodies of their patients. You want a mouth to Angelina Jolie? Hop, a good dose of collagen in the lips and presto, you have two tires instead of the lips, and your pronunciation takes a hit.

A little of each, why not? But many of the three, good damage ...

The result is certainly very well on a frozen image (and still best not to dwell on the details and problems of symmetry), but then when it moves, it becomes quite unpleasant to watch. There is a sort of embarrassment, the person we look seems to have something wrong and we can not know what too ... When suddenly you realize that facial expressions, fit for human being starved! And then everything is smooth, so smooth that it feels like butter in 2D.

Examples of abuse of "cocktail boté " ...

- In the series CSI (CSI everywhere in the States): Marg Helgenberger
before / after

Emily Procter before / after

-In the series Desperate Housewives: Marcia Cross
before / after

Teri Hatcher before / after

- In the series They really abuse too:
Nicole Kidman Before / After

Meg Ryan before / after

sure, it's a tiny sample of examples of actresses who are using this explosive cocktail of Fountain of Youth 100% chemical to keep their job.

"Mirror, Mirror tell me who is the prettiest?
- you was my queen, before you poke your face with all these needles surgeons."

And unfortunately, their husbands usually wait no resorption of their swollen face for dropping them for younger, and that women's magazines, Bibles women who doubt themselves, do not mention in their numbers special devoted to modern methods for staying young at any ever.

CC Cancan 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Lacunar Infarcts Left Thalamus

# 5. The Effect Tabarly, what exactly?

For those who really struggle with the language of Shakespeare, Tabarly Effect translates the Effect Tabarly in the language of Molière.

But what can it mean?

First of all I want to clarify that the Tabarly Effect is a linguistic invention on my part.
These two words sprung to mind me when I had to go home after an evening watering. You know, this impression you have when everything moves around you, when it is pitching, you're on solid ground yet you feel on a Pen Duick . Hence Tabarly , one of the greatest French sailors, carried away by the floods in 1998, at the helm of his Pen Duick.

So you see the good feeling?

is a terrible seasickness ..

... but on earth.

is where the Tabarly Effect begins to settle. The first symptoms appear : Blurred vision, feeling of perpetual motion things that are normally stationary, mild nausea, uncontrolled laughter, photo-sensitivity ...

Soon is enveloped by the Tabarly Effect ...
And the beginning of the end began when lying down. This is the point of no return. You sleep, of course, but you are still aboard the Pen Duick ... The

wakes up very quickly, after only a few hours of sleep. So you wake up in a storm. You do not know exactly where you are, or when. Although you feel thirsty, as soon as you swallow a little water, you drink the cup. You drown. You reject water as fast as you just swallow. Your vision is even murkier. Your hearing is similar to that of Superman on a construction site. Your head has doubled in size. Your body does not respond, you have no strength, the less effort is invested in the road that separates you from the toilet bowl The simple gestures of daily life are not even considered. You're a rag vomissante. You suffer the Tabarly Effect. The

Tabarly Effect can last between 12 and 16 hours after onset of symptoms (see above). Here's what it takes to carry hand when you are Effect of Tabarly :

- a bed with a duvet

- a TV documentary on a channel blocked (lower the volume to max)

- from Nurofen Plus

- Water

- Coca

- of chips

- a big fat che eseburger

- pasta with butter

- a bucket

- a box of tissues

- the cell phone on silent

- lots of patience

After a time You find your strengths and your minds. You will be docked and finally your feet tread the land.

The Tabarly Effect is a great solo crossing ...

Tabarly The Effect is in fact rocket science ...

CC Cancan 2009