רבות מחשבות בלב איש ועצת ה 'היא תקום "
Man'm thinking, but Hashem decreed.
We all believe that everything depends on us, but actually everything is up there ..
We will report a history that will enlighten us on this point.
Our sages teach us:
One day a man came to ask Hamelkh Shlomo (King Solomon) to teach him the language of animals. The wisest man among men (King Solomon) replied that it was not always good know everything.
But the man insisted, and the King finally agreed to teach him.
On the way back, the man immediately tried to use their new knowledge and listened to hear two birds discuss one or the other has said that later in the week, he Similarly, the man who listened, had lost all its livestock would die.
He rushed home and then sold his entire herd and actually the next week all the cattle died, "Luckily" he had had time to sell!
few days later he heard again discuss the two birds together and say this once a week Next is his house which was to catch fire!
course, he hastened to sell his house and once again he was "Saved" a great loss.
But the third week, he heard a far more terrible news while listening to the birds, he learned that he himself would die a few days later.
The desperate man rushed to King Solomon and the whole story.
King told him: "Do you remember that I warned you that it is not always good to know everything?
I'll explain what happened.
You had apparently repairing some fault, and Heaven was decreed that to do this, your herd should disappear. Now if you had heard the first discussion between birds, you would not have sold and its loss would have allowed the expiation of your sins.
After that was decreed that your house had to go to atone for your sins because you did not own most of the flock, and once again you prevent the repair to be selling your house.
Now that you possess nothing, the decree can not descend on your own life ...."
For this, we must receive everything with love by saying
" Zou Letov Gam "-" Everything is for the good "
Because when someone has problems in his life, he must know that everything comes from Heaven,
and not say" I have no luck! "Because it is a lack of faith in Heaven.
We need to know that everything has its source
and if it happens to us something that D. .. forbid, there is a good reason
and that we deserve.
For Hakodosh Baruch Hu has its accounts, and we must not be Vechalom Has cons.
Yehi Ratzon - which is nothing but grow in the path of Torah and mitzvot,
with success in all areas.
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