Hilloula of the holy and venerable tzaddik Rabbi Yosef Elkoubi זיע"א is celebrated on 11 Cheshvan .
Who was Rabbi Yosef Elkoubi זיע"א -
Rabbi Yosef lived זיע"א in Meknes in Morocco and was a great master of Kabbala
Rabbi Yosef זיע"א was the master of the holy and venerable tzaddik
Miracles of Rabbi Yosef Elkoubi זיע"א -
Rabbi Yosef זיע"א took the oil and looked for some time
and could tell people what would happen to them . Rabbi Yosef זיע"א knew the secrets of the Kabbala and it was through this that he could perform miracles such as this one.
the light went out -
The Saint and revered Rabbi Yosef Elkoubi זיע"א passed away on 11 Cheshvan of the year 1941
The Hilloula This year's festival the 'Thursday 29 October 2009 - 11 Cheshvan 5770,
Turn a night so that his merit protect all the people of Israel.
and his Merit, you will see great success in all areas.
Join the Facebook event of Hilloula -
Bet Shalom - The Center of Jewish Moroccan
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