... all in the technique. If a man bothering you, here are some techniques to choose one subject and the circumstances.
- to the "Yes Yes"
Who? A friend, a parent, a husband, a colleague ...
Under what circumstances? When an exchange of ideas and points of view turns sour. To cut short a conversation that will never succeed, let the man repeat for the umpteenth time his idea / point of view, and respond as honestly as possible (while quietly placing his contrary opinion):
"No, but yes, yes, yes. Indeed ". And chaining
immediately on anything else to conclude the subject of contention.
- technique of married women
Who? The young postpubertal-dragger who makes his boss on his ground game (street, bar, tube ...), but that is still under the skirt of his mother (but that hush is his secret). A
sucks zonard (RZ) what.
Under what circumstances? If possible, once it decides "Ma'moizel" the net stop saying "Madam" . It is likely that the RZ insists ... heavily, so. Embody your female character Married to the end and stop at that time very annoying.
Stay calm, friendly, reasonable
"Thanks for the compliment, but I'm married and I have to return quickly to care for my husband."
And walk a hurry but not guaranteed. With good control and a good web technology, the RZ just stands there.
If you're already married, do not start telling him your life, the RZ is not a good confidant.
Who? With a man (sports, and often bizarrely) that alcohol should go to bed.
Under what circumstances? Often in social gatherings, when the person you spin around, staggers but does not fall. The intentions are quite defined but are not reciprocal or shared (you missed the tour of tequila paf). It's time to act and initiate a political-religious-philosophical abstraction, such as:
" Oh look, another day at the library, I came across a book fantastic " War and Peace. Amazing how this book is timely. With all these wars in the world today, one wonders if in the end there 's really a god. But God, what in the end? "
In general this stage, the athlete has already taken to his heels (or to the toilet or to a sofa or bed).
Who? The one night stand who believes in a porn film (but does not peanuts).
Under what circumstances? The man of a thousand conquests, seductive and charming, you just met, and you had the foresight to invite to a last drink. It makes you want to enjoy the moment ... But there may be any prospect of a common future is nonexistent, and that this takes too long and become tiresome. When you're tired, and want to avoid getting into an argument, whispering to her ear
"I want to start a family with you."
These words usually have the effect of calming the passions of our hardeur which, like our friend the athlete cloth (see above) has an allergic reaction physical: taking to his heels and leave no trace.
sucks zonard (RZ) what.
Under what circumstances? If possible, once it decides "Ma'moizel" the net stop saying "Madam" . It is likely that the RZ insists ... heavily, so. Embody your female character Married to the end and stop at that time very annoying.
Stay calm, friendly, reasonable
"Thanks for the compliment, but I'm married and I have to return quickly to care for my husband."
And walk a hurry but not guaranteed. With good control and a good web technology, the RZ just stands there.
If you're already married, do not start telling him your life, the RZ is not a good confidant.
- the technical nerd

Who? With a man (sports, and often bizarrely) that alcohol should go to bed.
Under what circumstances? Often in social gatherings, when the person you spin around, staggers but does not fall. The intentions are quite defined but are not reciprocal or shared (you missed the tour of tequila paf). It's time to act and initiate a political-religious-philosophical abstraction, such as:
" Oh look, another day at the library, I came across a book fantastic " War and Peace. Amazing how this book is timely. With all these wars in the world today, one wonders if in the end there 's really a god. But God, what in the end? "
In general this stage, the athlete has already taken to his heels (or to the toilet or to a sofa or bed).
- technique baby
(the flip)

Who? The one night stand who believes in a porn film (but does not peanuts).
Under what circumstances? The man of a thousand conquests, seductive and charming, you just met, and you had the foresight to invite to a last drink. It makes you want to enjoy the moment ... But there may be any prospect of a common future is nonexistent, and that this takes too long and become tiresome. When you're tired, and want to avoid getting into an argument, whispering to her ear
"I want to start a family with you."
These words usually have the effect of calming the passions of our hardeur which, like our friend the athlete cloth (see above) has an allergic reaction physical: taking to his heels and leave no trace.
Everything depends on the subject and the circumstances ...
CC Cancan 2009
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