"Whoever cleans will not be cleaned?"
History happens there is a thirty years in Israel,
a soldier has disappeared, the family is very worried and are a lot of worries,
good when one is Moroccan and one lives long in Israel and practices that we will see ? Baba Sale זיע"א
course .. They come to him and said "That Kvod Harav"
our son is gone!
Baba Sale זיע"א their words: "Bring me the Mahia (Alcohol),
" Then he poured the Mahia to everyone, and raised his glass of Mahia, and said
"נקה לא ינקה?" (The one that cleans will not be cleaned?)
Then everyone drank Mahia!
And they went home. A week passes, then the soldier come home, safe and sound! after being reunited. Then they decided to go celebrate at Sale זיע"א Baba, Baba Sale
sang with them! Short, Simha Total!
Then Baba Sale זיע"א turned to the soldier, telling him: "What
is your Mitzvah (Good Deed)?! Private-
answered: how does "What Mitzvah?!
Baba Sale said: What do you do special mitzvah?!
-The soldier said: bah I put on tefillin every morning, after studying
prayer, I Shabbos properly ..
Baba Sale said: No you have your Mitzvah!
-The soldier replied: It is true that after people leave the synagogue, I take the broom, no one sees, then I clean the synagogue.
dirty זיע"א Baba said to him: Behold thy Mitzvah "Whoever cleans will not be cleaned to Allah!" Thanks to you this mitzvah has been saved.
We see the greatness of the Tzaddik, Baba Sale זיע"א is has reached this level has its serious high purity of the eyes. Take for example, and Ratzon Yehi Hashem protects us by the Merit of the saint and revered Baba Sale זיע"א
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