... two offspring, and more!
But all is well, do not worry, the operation was quick and painless. Home and more! What you ask for?
It happened around 10:30 this morning. After my history and safety of vital card (see item # 2 ), I decided to restore the hidden truth: no I'm not a mother of two female children, Victorian and Vinciane, 7 and 4 years respectively.
My mother burst of ungrateful, I take the phone and dials the number that my dear hostess was kind enough to give me.
Plic plic, plic plic, plic plic, plic plic, plic plic (noise made by my phone when I press the keys) ... it sounds ...
"Hello ...
- Hello Madam, I ...
- and welcome ... blah blah blah, we are open Monday through Friday from bla bla bla and Saturday to ... blah
- (sigh)
- please wait ... a correspondent will soon take your call.
- (ok)
-Hello And Welcome ...
- (yes I know)
- ... will soon take your call .. .
- (oh no not a third time!)
- Hello And Welcome .... At
After the sixth repetition of that message, I am surprised to say the text instead of a voice I am sure, very charming hostess.
Woaouh, what a welcome by a lovely hostess!
"What for? It takes to be determined.
- The service affiliations, you s'ileuh plllaƮt.
- Do not leave."
Tut, tut, tut ...
Here a man's voice!
"Yes hello sir, I said on a rather playful, it would be for an abortion please.
- Ah, but Madame, said he panicked, you certainly made a bad issue, we do not practice this kind of practice in our institution ...
- Oh, I'm not serving affiliations??
- Uh, well, yes!
- So, I give you my number of safety?
- Uh, yes go ahead ...
- 2 blablablablabla
- I'm listening ... an ounce of hesitation is felt in his voice.
- Well, let me explain the vital info on my card are wrong: you see it written that I have two children?
- Ouiiiiii??
- Well, that's a lie! Yes sir, you heard me right, a LIE! I am not a mother of two daughters.
- Well gosh, this is the first Once it happens!
- Who do you say? " That's why I'm calling for you to practice abortion as soon as possible!
- Ahahahahhhh, he laughed frankly understanding the joke. I'll do that right away ma'am.
- Thank you very urban.
- Pouff, he puts forth.
- And I guess I'll have to charge my card again vital?
- Yes absolutely, but within 2 to 3 weeks.
- Oh yeah, we'll take his time!
- Hihihi, "he chuckles.
- Well, it's not that I'm bored with you, but I'm going to leave you.
- Hohohoh, Goodbye Madame! Very good day to you! he says in a tone a little still excited, I had to cheer him his morning.
- Hi. "
So I'll see my charming hostess in a few weeks, and then perhaps be the victim of another lightning strike, who knows?
Anyway, this episode of mother-daughter relationship was short duration, and no, I regret nothing, anyway, I have never loved.
Victorian and Vinciane:

Hasta la vista, babies!
CC Cancan 2009
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