1. the evening of Simha told, in the Amidah (Eth Hachabat Haze veet Yom yom) path gha atseret Haze, if it was wrong and said that veet Hag Hasoucot Haze, we did not pay, either at night or day and in Eretz Israel as well as in Houts laarets (Outside of Israel). If we remember before reaching the end of this blessing or during the following benedicite, ATA has taken up BEHARTANOU, if it has already finished the Amidah is repeated at the beginning. It will be the same for Quidouch. There is no difference in the fact of being wrong or because we thought it still Sukkot, or whether we know it is Shemini Hatseret but we made a slip: in both cases, we did not pay because Simcha Torah is a holiday independently by itself. There is no difference between a mistake in the Amida or error in the Kidouch and if it was wrong, he must repeat the Amidah, or re Kidouch. We do not eat not before it gets completely dark.
2. After prayer we make Arvit Hakafot seven times and we are delighted with the joy of the Torah. And although it does not slap hands and they do not dance on Shabbat or Yom Tov, one has the right to do so for Simcha Torah. We have seen above, and it is a mitzvah to do so. This is allowed even when Simha Torah falls on Shabbat. Some have a habit of slamming his hands by hitting his right hand on the left hand for right (leniency) is stronger than the left (strict justice).
3. the morning of Simha Torah is made prayer Holidays (saying Shemini Chag Atseret) and recite the Hallel Intergal with the benediction. It then leaves three rolls of the Torah, we read the Torah VEZOTH HABERAKHA and it raises many called to the Torah in honor of this feast.
4. That day, some have used to spread a tallit over the head appeals to the Torah and justified. This is also used when a youth has boosted the Torah.
We must be in joy as we finish the 5 books of the Torah that day.
Moadim Lesimha!
Bet Shalom Center wish you a joyous celebration, with joy, happiness
and a success in all areas,
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