1. Some used to fast on the eve of Rosh Chodesh, and recite the ritual of Yom Kippur Quatane, for in that day, all sins are forgiven in the month, the same was offered a goat (of Atonement ) was Rosh Chodesh, and we also say in the Musaf Office (Office of Morning Extra) זמן כפרה לכל תולדותם - "Time for forgiveness for all their descendants .."
We will comply, in every place, has the use Local.
But it is forbidden to fast on the same day of Rosh Chodesh, and we do not pronounce a funeral oration, it does not say either the funeral
2. It is recommended to take a better meal in honor of Rosh Chodesh.
If it falls on Shabbat, we eat a dish of Chabbatot more than others. On Rosh Chodesh
is allowed to work. Women have a habit of not working that day and is a good use, and it should not be too tolerant in this regard.
3. We will stand during the recitation of Hallel and we not abort in the middle of this recitation. We strive to recite the same time as the community, so if someone comes to the synagogue just before the recitation of Hallel is recited with the rest of the community, and then he made his prayer.
After Hallel we say the full Kadisha, one leaves the scroll of the Torah and the Torah is called a four faithful.
4. When someone forgot to tell "Yaala Veyavo - יעלה ויבא" a Rosh Chodesh in Chahar (Morning Prayer) and Minha (Please the afternoon), it realizes it before saying "Yihou lératson - יהיו לרצון" (end of the Amidah) it will start a "Rets - רצה"
and he realizes after "Yihou Lératson - יהיו לרצון" he will resume the beginning of prayer.
But it was Rosh Chodesh forgot to say "Yaala Veyavo - יעלה ויבא" has Arvit (Please evening), or that Rosh Chodesh is two days, let him not one, of when he said: ברוך אתה השם
and mentioned the Chemie (Name of God), it should not start but finish המחזיר שכינתו לציון and finish the prayer, The reason we do not start from the beginning was "Evening Prayer" is that we did not announce the new month at night.
5. Any place where you must repeat the prayer, it takes time to walk four cubits.
6. If someone forgot to tell Yaala Veyavo in Birkat HaMazon - if he said the week he shall not again, if he says he will resume on Shabbat.
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