God said to Noah and end of all flesh came before the earth is full of violence against them and I am Mshachitm the country
Et Hachem dit a Noa'h: "Le terme de toutes les créatures est présent devant moi parce que la terre a cause d'elles, est remplie de violence; et je vais le détruire avec la terre. (Berechit, 6,13)
The verdict was sealed this generation's cause of flight - in fact, he did not realize that it is Hashem who caters to the needs of all its creatures. The order of the letters of the alphabet may be an allusion to this: ד, ג, ב, א
Where E mouna (א) - belief in Hashem , then there is the B erakha (ב) - the blessing
But where the G uesel (ג) - the flight, the result is D alout (ד) - poverty, because only the honestly earned money can lead the benediction.
וישאר אך נח ואשר אתו בתבה
... and there remained only Noah and those who were with him in the ark. (Bereshit, 7.23)
Why was it decreed that Noah should support the continued presence animals in the ark? Indeed, he had to deal day and night, suffering all the inconveniences related to the maintenance of each species, and that one can imagine!
One answer lies in the commentary made by our Sages of the following verse: "For the waters of Noah are mine" (Ishaya, 54.46). Hashem Noah has criticized his lack of enthusiasm vis-à-vis the people of his generation: he has not encouraged to do teshuvah.
It is for this reason that the flood waters are called the "waters of Noah", a bit like if he had some responsibility in the coming of the flood. It
why Hashem has placed him in a situation where he was able to properly reflect the needs of each of the creatures, which needs Hashem provides the smallest detail, even in the case of crawling insects or beasts! A fortiori the case of man, Hashem created in His image. Noah has been the principle "Mida Mida Kenegued" - able to measure somehow the effect of "Boomerang" - for not having enough compassion of people of his generation: he was forced care for all creatures on earth. (The meal of the king)
where he died took the dress and put on the shoulders of two of them went backwards and covered the nakedness of their father, their faces backward and wakefulness father did not see
Chem prit, et Yafete, la couverture, la déployèrent on their shoulders, they went backward and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were turned back and they saw not the nakedness of their father.
(Bereshit, 9.23)
In the verse it says "Chem Took" and not "Shem and Yafet took" then they took all the blanket to cover their father.
Rashi explains:
is written this way to learn that we put more urgency Chem Yafet that has done the mitzvah, which is why his son deserve to wear the tallit fringes provided. (Leketi Eliyahu)
From here we learn the importance of rushing to do a mitzvah.
This course is dedicated to the elevation of the soul of Ben Shushan Naim Hnin ז"ל
whose parsha of the week Noah, is the Torah of his death
ת.נ.צ.ב. ה
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