Some Halachot on Sukkot
1.Il be linked with the Lulav myrtle and willow branches on the eve of Yom Tov, but if we do not do so, they may attach during the Yom Tov through leaflets Lulav. even if we make a real node on Shabbat and Yom Tov do not apply to those.
2. How is the blessing the Lulav? First we take the lulav in hand, standing up and saying the bracha: Baruch ata ... vetsivanou al netilat Lulav and that of Cheheheyanou then. if they forgot to tell Cheheheyanou the first day, we say this bracha on the second day, as is done when the first of Sukkot falls on Shabbat. If someone, in spite of the Halacha that forbids it, took the Lulav is the first Shabbat, and he said Cheheheyanou has this opportunity, according to some decision he does not repeat this blessing the second day.
3. After reciting the blessing the lulav in hand, we also take the ethrog ' and it is not necessary to raise three Tefahim. Some take the first ethrog to the bracha and Lulav then, but the opinion which prevails is that we take the lulav first because Hadas and willow are attached to him and he has a holiness larger than the Ethrog therefore it has priority.
4. should hold the Lulav or it is attached and no higher. We take the lulav in the right hand and left hand in ethrog because the lulav is made of three mitzvot (Lulav, Hadas 'Arava') while ethrog has only one (Sukkah 37b) . We must bring the ethrog the Lulav until they touchent.un Lefty who does everything with his left hand, act like everyone else and take the lulav in his right hand, which is also the right of others, writes the Shulhan Arukh '(Chapter 651.3). These are only Tefilin, prescribed by the Torah itself, that has left up his right hand. But for the Lulav, we take in the right hand by prescription Rabbinical (Rabanan) and to emphasize its value, it must be like everyone else. If we did the opposite it does not matter, because the take in the right hand is a prescription for rabbinical.
5. should remove the rings we have to take your fingers Lulav because they are, according to some decision, a Hatsitsa (separation between the hand and the Lulav). But according to strict Jewish law there is no need to worry since a ring does not cover the whole hand. If the Lulav is wet it should, according to some decision, wipe to avoid Hatsitsa. But others believe different
6. It is forbidden to eat before taking the Lulav. According to the Halacha has fruit snacks, etc. ... is allowed but it is better to be more strict. We can afford it to someone who is weak. Women are free the Mitzvah of Lulav.
7. We can not fulfill its obligation in the amount of eating an olive cake on the first night of Sukkot. If you forgot to say Yaala Veyavo 'in Birkas HaMazon the first night of Sukkot, and noticing that after delivering Baruch Ata Hashem, but without bone Yeroushalaim said, will continue with the words Lamden Houqeikha' and Then we resume has Yaalei Veyavo. If we have already said Yeroushalaim bone (but without the bracha commencei below) is inserted: Baruch Ata .... ... Nathan asher (See book of prayers), and then continue the Birkat HaMazon. If you do remember that after having commencei Hatov Vehametiv the blessing (Blessing following the Bone Yeroushalaim) we will resume at the beginning Birkhat HaMazon.
8. On after some opinions, if it rains on the first night, we still have the obligation to eat in the sukkah, the rule of "one who is uncomfortable exemption is to remain in the Sukkah" does apply than other days of Sukkot, or we must live in the sukkah of how we live in a house, while the first night was obliged to stay even though it's difficult. (Yalkut Yosef)
9. A Hol Hamoed we do not put on tefillin
An anecdote on the Feast of Sukkot
The Steipler - Rabbi Yaacov Kanievski - came one day in the shop of a seller Loulavim. He reviewed all merchandise this, ais not find a suitable Lulav. Preparing to leave the store, he suddenly turned around, took a random Lulav and paid him before continuing his journey. In the street he has said one of his relatives: "Do you know what would Passeier if I was out of this shop without Lulav? Rumor has commencei would run:" The Rav has Kanievski cherchei in such a Lulav trouvei store and did not hide from! "Nobody would want to go to this trade, so I would have been the source of great harm financial ... "
A word about the Festival of Sukkot
The Festival of Sukkot should be a joyous celebration. After spending a long period of stress and fear, preparing for the general Judgement Day of Yom Kippur, Hashem has given us a feast or man rejoices in his sukkah with his family. We must take upon ourselves not to get excited, no longer to anger our neighbors, and be always in the joy of the will of the Holy blessed be He '.
We wish you a joyous festival of Sukkot, in good health, with success in all areas.
Bet Shalom - The Center of Moroccan Judaism
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